“Let me introduce myself to you. Actually, let me introduce the Shane after and before, my new born again experience. Everything started the day that I was baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues: December 25th 2003 I woke up endued with power! Prior a week I went to the altar…
Read More“I was raised Catholic and always had a fear of the Lord. I served for several years as an altar boy. However, while in college, I became dissatisfied with the liturgy of the mass and felt that there had to be more to being a Christian. I wasn't even really sure about "this Jesus thing". As a result…
Read More“When I was a baby, my mother with a humble heart, brought low through trials and tribulation, with her whole heart, dedicated me to the Lord when I was born. I believe when someone makes that vow with the Lord towards their child, the Lord takes that seriously and something about that, I believe, always…
Read More"I spent the first part of my adulthood traveling around the country and internationally, chasing a childhood dream of being a professional athlete. I picked up many vices along the way, trying to fill the void with drugs and alcohol. I knew the feeling of shame and suicidal thoughts that go with that…
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