Fear is a spirit. We cannot be operating in both spirits at the same time: the spirit of fear and the Spirit of God that comes with love, power, and a sound mind! Fear is a sin. Fearing is the same as stealing, lying, or cheating according to the passage below. In God’s eyes, sometimes it is even worse to see that among us than when we see it in the world. In the world, fear is a normal thing. Some people really like it, use it, and love to embrace it. Why else would someone watch horror movies? If we don’t see it as sin, we may not hate it as we should! But we make it normal, believing it is just an attack or just a bad day. No. It is because what it will produce is unbelief. We know that unbelief is sin.
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8
Let’s get this straight before we go deep into this. The fear of the Lord is the only fear that is clean and God-given, healthy fear. It causes us to repent. It causes faith, and it causes obedience. Because there is only one Master, one throne, one Creator. His fear gives us wisdom, Truth, love, and power. Fear is the “go-to” when all else he tries to do to us fails, when he cannot get us to fall to the lust of the flesh or to our old nature. He uses fear on everyone. This is what he does to us when we have already been delivered from our past strongholds. Fear makes us afraid to take the next step and makes us afraid of tomorrow. That is why Jesus said, “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” (Matthew 6:30-34). We should take no thought for tomorrow!
What comes out of the heart? The issues of life. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speak (Matthew 12:34)! If my heart is full of fear, my mouth will be speaking out of fear. That is why we want the abundance of our heart to be of faith in the Word of God. We don’t want to see the abundance of our heart to be of what the world is saying or showing to us. Our heart will fail us because of our own fear (Luke 21:26-27). What is the abundance of your heart? Fear or faith?
Religion uses man’s wisdom to feed fear. But there are two kinds of wisdom: Wisdom that comes from Earth (man/flesh/the tree of knowledge of the good and evil) and wisdom that comes from above. The wisdom that comes from above is “first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” And the wisdom that comes from man is “earthly, sensual, devilish” (James 3:15-18).
Now we understand why we are so provoked to stand in faith when the world is groomed to walk in fear. Let God be true, and every man a liar (Romans 3:3-4) Our unbelief makes the faith of God without effect!
In 1 John 4:15-19, we see that Jesus says perfect love casts out fear; that means that those who fear are not made perfect! When you are in fear, there is no boldness. We need to walk in faith so we can walk in boldness all the time! If you believe in yourself, you won’t have boldness because you know you! You need to have faith in Him and not in you! Fear has torment! When you are afraid, you have torment! When we are made perfect in Him, it is possible to live without fear!
There are two masters: one is the author and finisher of faith, and the other is the author and finisher of fear!
Let’s talk about when we rely on our feelings, emotions, people, places, and things… For example, Isaac became Abraham’s idol, then our idol will control our emotions. People have idols of other people, possessions, heirlooms, lands, and children. They are soul ties that become soul vices! The idol we make can even become our master! We end up replacing the Holy Spirit and the Word! This is all witchcraft and starts to fog our VISION!
Interesting… I was just thinking about the word TELEVISION. That is what Satan will do. He will TELL you a VISION, and he will plant it in your mind! LIE tells, and you see it, too! So, the more we look to the 7 mountains for instruction and wisdom, and for help and for notoriety, the more your mind is NOT being renewed, and the more it’s being reprobated! This is why mixture and compromise are so very dangerous! Our lives will revolve around our idols that control our emotions and strangle us in the wilderness, sipping out of the cup of abominations INSTEAD OF DRINKING HIS CUP, that is His blood! It can start from what even came from God as a blessing and it can become your curse! If we do not kill it, it will kill us in the Spirit; and Satan will use it to deceive us as He deceives the whole world! It’s quite the opposite from the Gospel of the kingdom! Faith is from God, and fear is from His enemy. Don’t let him tell you a vision!
Fear makes idols. Fear commands all your attention. All your resources. All your time. All your peace. Your house becomes the house of Dagon. Let's read 1 Samuel 5:1-4. This is why the foundation of fear is PRIDE! Dagon was the national god of the Philistines and was worshiped in temples in Ashdod, Gaza, and Beth-Dagon.?Dagon was an Assyrio-Babylonian deity with the body of a fish and the head and hands of a man.?The Philistines worshiped Dagon through sacrifices and feasts.
When we are afraid, we start living for our fear, and we start sacrificing everything we have for the sake of that idol! Today, people do everything for themselves! Even when God tells us to multiply, if we are not a child of God, we make human sacrifice in the name of our own god: self.
Can you believe that in this passage in 1 Samuel 5, they start mixing their god with God? We can’t. God will leave! If you want to please God, the first thing you need to do is to have faith because without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God. Anything you do, you better do it in faith, or you are sinning. “…for whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). Dagon is falling on his face before God (Back to 1 Samuel 5, verse 3). The head and the hands are being cut off! Only the stump of Dagon was left as a remembrance of what God did, do, and will do to our idols.
Saul's armor was put in the house of Dagon as a memorial or idol! Read 1 Chronicles 10:6-10. Remember when Saul tried to give David his armor? He did not accept it. He did not know how to use it or test it, but he knew God. Because the Glory would have still been given to Saul and to his armor! The spirit of pride works hand and hand with the spirit of fear. If David had worn Saul’s armor, everyone would have said it was because of Saul’s blessing, Saul’s armor, and Saul’s anointing! But David went for battle with one thing: The name of the Lord. Follow the story in 1 Samuel 17:38-51.
David had some prior testimonies: the killing of the lion and the bear. We also have them. Let your past victories be your testimonies for your future success. So, his testimonies kept growing because he was growing in faith. When we are in fear, our testimonies decrease. David spoke in faith and boldness in front of a giant that had never been beaten. “I come in the name of the Lord;” out of the abundance of his heart filled with faith, his mouth spoke. God could not but back him up! God must back us up when we step out in faith! If you are in fear, you won’t have that confidence about his faithfulness! God saved us not by the sword, by the spear, by the doctor, or by the right armor you are wearing, but by His faithfulness towards His Word. He gets all the glory!
There is another thing that God hates: when we take the glory; when we give the glory to another god, an idol, ourselves, or our efforts. That is why it is called grace, so you or no man can boast in your efforts, your work, and your righteousness, but God will prove your faith. The head of the giant just fell like the head of Dagon.
David did not give glory to the sling or to the stone, but he went in the name of the Lord! God is giving you weapons for pulling down the stronghold of fear! Start victimizing the devil; stop bowing down to fear.
Do you know how to victimize fear? Through Faith. Because faith exposes fear because fear runs out of pride. Fear, religion, and pride: a threefold cord that also is not easily broken! David went with a testimony. God’s wisdom and fear have no agreement! God never gives wisdom to fear! Man’s wisdom will be a false covering to fear! Fear has torment. Faith has peace and joy! Let this mind be in you: Jesus has a mind of faith. Satan uses fear; fear goes to doubt; doubt goes to unbelief; and unbelief is sin! Next step, you believe the father of lies. You deny Jesus! Don’t say what you are seeing! “Speak what I have said,” says the Word! How can you get the blessings if you are denying Him because of your fear? If you are denying Him, He will deny you in front of the Father. How will your petition be answered if your requests are not mixed with faith?
God is putting on the same level the fearful with the unbelieving and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars (Revelation 21:7-8). He put them all together! Don’t downplay fear! “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy" (James 3:17). Start shaking off fear now, or you will be totally given into it during the end times!
What does Jesus say: if you deny me, I will deny you to the Father! Are you asking out of desperation because of your fear? You must ask in faith, not out of fear! Serving two masters makes you double-minded (James 1:6-9). If we are driven by fear, we will be tossed to and fro like the wind of the sea, and we will receive nothing from the Lord (James 1:6-9). Let the brother of low degree...the humble brother, the one that humbles himself, rejoice (verse 9). We cannot have faith in the world, in man, in our own works, in medicine, in money, in stocks, in our diets, in ourselves, in our doctors, or in science! Whatever! We just need to trust in the mountain of faith! When we do not, we begin to hate God and to hate Truth! “You don’t understand what I am going through.”... I probably don’t, but I must remember what God says in the Word, not in what you say…Though I walk… I shall not be afraid...Psalm 23. Did David know he was about to have a fight with the giant? Saul was fearing what he was looking like in front of people, not God. Pride is the killer of everything. Terrorism comes from the word terror, and in Psalm 91, it says in verse 5, “I shall not be afraid of the terror by night or the arrow by day.”
Let’s look at the spies bringing the evil report! In Numbers 13:30-33. Joshua and Caleb have the right spirit: the spirit of faith! False prophets bring fear. The world uses fear to control the world, the enemy will do the same to you!
Christians that use wisdom to get you out of faith, that is the doctrine of the devil! There is no wisdom that will make you fear unless it is wisdom from below. God called the whole congregation evil because fear is contagious (Numbers 14:35-39).
They gather against God Himself! Those filled with fear, with an evil report, and the congregation started murmuring against God and brought slander upon the land! But... “But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which were of the men that went to search the land, lived still” (verse 38). Don’t worry about the outcome! Just keep believing, and the rest is with God! Joshua and Caleb did NOT give Glory to their works, their armor, their diet, their teachers, their weapons, or their capability! This is what witches do. They give glory to secret potions and their curses, then draw people to them out of fear. But these two cast down all reports of the other 10 spies! That’s when God gave them the land! It was a test! It was not a test of if God was giving them the land but if they would possess the land!
Give God the Glory through your faith in HIM!! Or just like what happened to Herod in Acts 12:21-24 can be happening with us when we don’t give God the glory that is due. Some prideful people try to give glory to God, but we know it is not real. They just add “Glory to God” after the end of their phrases. That is all about their own work and efforts. But no glory has been given to God at all! Glory is 100 percent giving honor to that for which you cannot take any praise or worship because of the outcome. Don’t beat your chest and talk about yourself, raising your hands up and pointing to you; then seconds later, you talk about God. The fact is this is false humility. It stinks. It is worse than just being plain arrogant as so many professionals do, especially athletes. Then they say, “But I have given all Glory to God.” Giving Glory to God is not done by works but by the heart. They worship with their lips but their hearts worship themselves! It’s done in the secret place. He Never says to give some credit but to give ALL the Glory.
Fear manifests unbelief, and unbelief is an evil sin according to the Word! Ten Spies contaminated the entire tribe! We can do it, too, with our family, church, and friends. Panic is always a manifestation of fear. Fear became an open door for all of the other evil things! Even a natural manifestation of fear done to your body can be a seed of fear for you to believe a lie. Fear was an open door for Job that did so many evil things according to his own words. Let’s read it. Whatever you fear will come upon you (Job 3:25). “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” Job was a righteous man who experienced many trials and afflictions, including the deaths of his children, the loss of his property, and great physical pain.?Job's suffering was more than just physical, and he was tormented by inner conflict.?He believed that his suffering meant he was a great sinner, but he knew he was not.?He was also cut off from God and didn't know why. The fight was between God and satan. Job was called a righteous man!
Fear is an open door to every evil thing! Fear will make you control other people, control your surroundings, and control people’s emotions. You won’t be able to control, not even yourself. Faith is so contagious and so is fear!
Fear seeks company, seeks understanding, seeks pity, seeks acceptance, and seeks agreement. Fear also paralyzes you in the Spirit and even in the flesh. Fear brings anxiety. Fear brings torment. Fear causes us to do the works of the flesh. Fear makes us suspicious. Fear destroys relationships. Fear causes sickness. Fear blocks all the fruits of the Spirit. Fear gives permission to the devil. Fear will make us move from one place to another. One sin that causes fear the most is pride! It’s impossible to trust the Holy Spirit or the Body of Christ when we are in fear. We feel we must do more! When under fear, nothing we say or do is ever enough! Remember, this is the devil’s go-to for all saints when he can’t get you in the sin of your youth! Satan uses fear to make you do what you would never do in faith! If you have a mustard seed of faith, you say to this mountain, be thou removed and cast into the sea!
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:16-18
Receive His love. Stand on His love. He who deals in faith, dwells in God. If you dwell in love, you dwell in God. Then you have the boldness to believe God. Then you have the boldness to tell fear to go, even when you are seeing the opposite of what you are believing. We walk by faith, not by sight. We live by faith. When you are not walking or moving, you are stuck. Faith keeps us walking. Fear freezes us. God is saying, “Give it to Me. Give your fear to Me.” There is no fear in love; love casts it out; it must be gone! God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind. Fear gives us a tormented mind. Love, faith, gives us a sound mind!
We say, “But I am doing everything.” God is like, “Don’t do anything else. Just let Me do it and rest.”... In fear, you are laboring in your own thing! What can you really do without pleasing Him? You can’t even help. Then, one day, when you wake up, what you were trying to accomplish in fear will be done by love and by faith! You just need to admit that fear is sin! Repent and don’t let pride have a place. Don’t keep looking at what happened yesterday. Faith and fear have no fellowship with one another.
Remember Romans 8:15. “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” He has not given us a spirit of fear to bondage or a spirit of bondage to fear, but He made us a child of faith!
So, start seeing fear as sin, and that will really help you! If you commit sin, you are a servant of sin. If you fear, you are a servant of fear (John 8:34-51).
We want to do what we see the Father doing, not what fear is telling us to do! We operate as sons of faith, not of fear! “Whom the son sets free is free indeed”... If God is our father, we would love Him, the Truth! We can’t get mad at the Word; we need to love the Word (verse 42). Many have become the son of the devil, when they become unbelievers. We are unbelievers when we are filled with fear! He that speaks a lie is the father of fear! If He always tells the truth, why don’t we believe Him (verse 46)? But we must honor the Word. How do we honor the Word? Having no fear! If any man hears His sayings, they shall never see death. If any man hears fear, we shall face death daily.
“Father, fill us with the Spirit of Faith! Your Word is within us. Out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouth speaks. In the mighty name of Jesus, we renounce all fear that brings torment. Forgive us for pride and unbelief. Help us to believe every word that proceeds out of your mouth that has proceeded out of your Word. Today, we give no provision for fear!”
Shane W Roessiger
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