Opportunity to Sow Seeds


The Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God, but now He says life and death are in your mouth. The power of the tongue! You can read the word, hear the word, but if you don’t speak and believe the word, what does it profit you (Hebrews 4:2)? With the heart, we believe, and with our mouths, we confess. (See Romans 10:10). Out of your mouth, the heart speaks. See, your heart is connected to your tongue, and they are one! the Bible says the tongue is unruly; no man can tame it, but it also says out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth will speak. What if the tongue cannot be tamed because the heart is unruly? Because Jesus, the Word of God, does not rule it! See, now out of your mouth, you shall live because life and death are in the power of the tongue, and if what came out of His mouth is not coming out of your mouth, then what comes out of the devil's mouth is what will be coming out of your mouth! 

See, it's with our heart we believe, so we may think and know the word of God in our mind, but we don’t believe the Word of God in our heart. When the Word of God does not rule our heart, our tongue becomes unruly, not being able to be tamed as it speaks of in James 3! See, you can speak the Word of God all you want, but the devil knows if you believe. You might be able to fool man, but you can’t fool the spiritual realm. See, it’s not so much about the speaking as it is about believing. The speaking is how we release our Faith into the atmosphere, but Faith, believing in our heart, is the backing of your tongue! (See Mark 11:23). Even Jesus said, Whoever “speaks” To this mountain and does not “doubt” in his “heart”. And watch what it says here: 2nd half of verse 23, “but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." See, you need to speak the Word on the bones of your life, but you need to believe that whatever you speak shall come to pass. That's where the power of life is, on your tongue, but from your Faith! What you speak from your mouth is what you believe in your heart. 

What did Jesus do with the disciples in Mark 11, as a demonstration of the power of the tongue? He cursed the fig tree, and later on, they found it dead, and He turned to them and said, “Have Faith in God." See, it was Jesus's word but really His Faith! And He told the disciples essentially that they can do the same but with mountains if they “believe”! When you speak, it's your Faith that gives your words authority; it was Faith that released virtue out of Jesus; it was Faith in Hebrews 11 that drew the anointing in all their lives to do what they were called to do. It was always Faith that Jesus was looking at, and it’s Faith He’s looking at now, and it will be Faith He’s looking for when He comes back! Too many are trying to move God or advance the Kingdom by the arm of the flesh! Just as Moses when He was told to speak to the rock, he chose again to strike the rock. Therefore, he was not permitted to enter the Promised Land. See, what’s the promised land? The Land of Milk and Honey, the place where you get to see the promises of God come to pass in your life, but some will not enter in, and it talks about this in Hebrews 3, more specifically verse 19, because of unbelief they could not enter into His rest.

They could not enter into what God had for them. For all the promises of God are yes and amen to those who believe, not for those who are striving to enter in by the flesh, or by works, or by their own understanding, but by Faith! Faith is what is going to manifest the Word of God in our lives, for God is no respecter of persons, but without Faith, no man shall please Him! These signs shall follow those who “Believe”.  In James, it says that the tongue is such a small member, but it's like the helm of a boat, a small wheel compared to the rest of the vehicle, or even the rudder of a boat - such a small piece, but it steers the whole direction of the larger member. Your tongue is such a small member, but it’s the wheel to your whole life and determines outcomes and sets fire to the course of nature. Your future is in your mouth, your direction. If your past is still in your mouth, you’re in reverse. What you are speaking is where you are headed. It's what you are manifesting because He gave you the power to agree with the Word of God, so the Word came out of His mouth, but how will it steer our lives if it's not coming out of our mouth? See, what you believe is what is coming out of your mouth, what you’re in agreement with, your tongue will follow. Your heart has a tongue, so what is it speaking? In science, they say the bacteria present on your tongue can indicate your heart health! It’s all about what we believe, and when the devil comes, when situations arise, we speak to it and keep ourselves in Faith or change the situation by our words! We need to stop waiting for the results to have results, and we need to know the results are in our mouths! I believe Jesus knew He had power over the storm; therefore, He spoke to it! See, if you have doubt, you can speak all you want, but if you waver in your Faith, then James 1 says you shouldn’t expect to receive anything from God! Jesus said “If” you do not doubt. 

We need Jesus's Faith: there’s His Faith, Our Faith, and The Faith of Others. See, my faith is for what I want, my dreams, and my desires, but I believe and do not have because I believe amiss because I seek my own! Yet Jesus's Faith, the “Faith of God” is whatever He says. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And there are many, many promises, and even what He speaks to us, not only in the written word but also personally, is what we have the measure to believe for. See, we think just because God spoke it, it will be so, but it’s our Faith that accesses it and manifests it. The Word is in our belly, but we have to let it out with our mouths. See, there’s a speaking we do to release our Faith, and there’s a speaking that we do to keep ourselves in Faith!

Faith makes the word come alive in our lives. You can read the word all you want, but if it's not in your mouth, if it's not being sent to flight by your Faith, then it's just knowledge in your head. Faith makes the book come alive. People say, “Oh, this book is alive." Yes, it is alive, but will it be alive in your life, or will it be absent because of unbelief? Knowing the Word but not believing the Word is religion. But we need to know the word and speak it over our lives, and when the devil lies, we need to speak the truth back, not because God needs to hear us. He knows what we believe, but so that we can keep ourselves in Faith and make devils tremble when we speak it. We need to prophesy like Ezekiel and say to these bones, "Live, hear the word of the Lord." We need to prophesy over our finances and say to our finances, hear the word of the Lord. We need to prophesy over our bodies and say to it, hear the word of the Lord, and even proclaim death to our flesh for life and death is in the power of the tongue. Authority is in your mouth. He spoke, and the world was: what will be in your life when you speak? Whatsoever a man believes, He shall be! We need to believe in those things that are not as though they were, and not go by what we see, and go by what He said! We need to fight the good fight of Faith, not fighting in the 2nd heaven but fighting in the 3rd heaven with Christ seated in Faith, releasing our authority with The Weapon called our tongue. The Bible says out of His mouth comes a double-edged sword to war well now out of your mouth. The Sword shall proceed and judge, powers and principalities, strongholds, bondages, sin, and demons. You are seated with Him in heavenly places, with Him above every principality and power. Stop wrestling and start executing, start acting like a King because He calls us Kings and Priests, and now we are in Authority in the Spiritual Realm. You have the badge; you are called to police things in the spiritual realm, and stop being policed by the devil! 

We need to speak over souls, over nations, over families and say to these, hear the word of the Lord. To the mountains, to the bones, to the fig tree, to the rock, to the devil, to our situations, to our neighbor, and to ourselves, hear the word of the Lord! By every word that comes out of your mouth now, because life and death are in the power of the tongue, and He is telling us to speak if we believe. Life and Death are in the power of the tongue, but unbelief shall bring death, and Faith shall bring Life of the tongue. Which one is the source of your tongue? You better speak, or the devil will speak! You better speak the word of God, or the devil is going to speak the word of God and condemn you with It! Our peace is in our mouths. We need to speak to the mountains in our lives. It’s time to put down the sling and speak to the giant. To put down the staff and speak to the rock. Moses wasn’t allowed into the Promised Land because what he was going to be asked to do in the Promised Land was to speak, to shout to the walls of Jericho, but he could not speak to the rock! Therefore, it was Joshua and Caleb! But now it's you. What comes out of your mouth, you shall live by. Is it the Word of the Lord, or is it the lies of the enemy? Whatever a man thinks he shall be! What do you believe? This is what you shall be! This is what you shall speak! The tongue is the mouth of your heart; by this, you shall live or die says the word. And by your tongue, we shall know whether you have Faith or unbelief. Out of the abundance of the heart, your mouth shall speak. Don’t say you have Faith if your mouth is speaking otherwise. Your mouth will reveal you. What is coming out of your mouth? That’s what you really believe! Don’t just change your mouth; change your heart to believe on the Word of God, and your mouth will follow.

By Joe Pinto

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