Which shadow are you under? We are not supposed to be under the shadow of this denomination or that denomination but under the shadow of the Most High. Let's read Psalm 91. He will show you and me, and everybody else His salvation! He will deliver us. He will cover us. When? When we dwell under His shadow! When we trust Him. In this message, we will see who, what, and where this shadow is and
how to stay in the secret place of the Most High.
From time to time, things happen, but when we are in Him, we won’t be afraid! Pestilences that walk-in darkness... Still, we will see the reward of the wicked before our eyes! You will see their reward! The judgment of God and the wrath of God, if you are under the shadow! Don’t be carried away thinking you won’t see the reward of the wicked! Don't be foolish! What was concealed in the Old Testament now has been revealed during our lifetime. You are already seeing it. Look around you! People being delivered over to a reprobate mind! The devil will try to mess with you, but where are you dwelling? Where are you?
People love to pull all the promises from the Word of God, but they leave out the conditions required to obtain them, like: “If you do this…”; “He who does this and that.” Right there, David starts saying, “He who dwells in the secret place.” So, if you are not dwelling in the secret place, then you must expect the opposite of the blessings. It is not a title that covers us. In the New Testament, the One that covers us is a Spirit, and that Spirit is the Holy Spirit. If we do not do the things that are written, then we will face the turbulence of the consequences of our own decisions. That does not “unsave” you, but it makes you an easy target for your enemy. When this happens, people stop believing the Word of God and begin to be deceived. They begin to dwell in darkness, deception, and false doctrines. They begin to walk away from Faith because they think it is God's fault! But there is always something that God expects from us, which is to obey His Word because you cannot separate God from His Word! So, God is Truth, and let every lie be exposed. Some have misunderstood His Word.
Verses 14,15, and 16 of Psalm 91 talk about those who put their love upon God, His Word! Those who have known His name. But His name is the Word of God (Revelation 19:13-16). People know the written Word, but not the Word that became flesh, the Word that is Spirit and life.
David wrote Psalm 91 and many other Psalms, but when he sinned, you can see how the Psalms changed drastically with his confessions, and finally, when he sinned, that act of disobedience, because he did not repent right away, took a prophet from God to show him (2 Samuel 12). But even during that time, was he still the king? Yes. Was he happy and at peace? No. He was in condemnation. Well, when we sin or disobey God, we go through the same, even now, with a better hope and better promises through Jesus. So, if we do something contrary to His Word, we are still Christians and saved, but we will look and feel just as David did. So, we see in this Psalm that it requires the condition, “If you dwell in the secret place…” If you don’t, then we cannot expect that promise to be fulfilled. Now let the Holy Spirit show us what, who, and where the secret place of the Most High is for us, today!
If you are seated in Christ, you are sitting at the same place where He is: at the right hand of the Father. In Colossians 3, you will see how to dwell in Him. Set your affection on Him, and set your mind on things above! Your life must be hidden in Christ! If you are hidden, that is a secret place! Where is your mind set? Are your passions set on things all around you? Or are they set on the things above? The Word of God tells us to mortify our members: eyes, heart, mind, and emotion! We are saved by faith, but to be sanctified and changed is a process! Love is not God; God is love. And those that are being perfected in Him are perfected in love. Love was Jesus obeying and choosing to die on the cross. In the garden, Jesus proved His love for all mankind, and on the cross, that was made manifest. Decision made and followed through.
A religious organization is not the habitation of the Most High because the habitation of God was not made by the hands of man but is a spiritual temple. Why put the law back on our shoulders? To keep His commandment means every time He tells you to do something in His Word, you just do it! Put off the old man, and put on the new man! This is the one that has been made in the image of the Word of God! Put on holiness so you can manifest holiness! Kindness, meekness, longsuffering ... Again, we see the Word telling us to put something on; when it is on you, it will manifest in you! To be made in the image of God is to be made in the image of His Word. The Word became flesh, and now God wants the same for His Church, His bride.
Some religious people think that their secret place is a closet in their house! No. The secret place is a place that we can live and abide in! That’s to be hidden in Christ.
The enemy is always waiting for you to come out from under the shadow of His wing so he can condemn you, accuse you, and make you feel so unholy! You see what the law could not do, Jesus did. So, God tells us to put on Christ. Who is He? He is love. He is the Word of God, so when we obey Him by doing the works of love that we will see below in this passage, we are able to overcome condemnation and sin, and then we are abiding in Him. This is the secret place. This is under the shadow of the Word of God. Paul says, “Put on the bond of perfection in love” (Colossians 3:14). This means living and walking in the Spirit. So, stop trying to do it outside of Him. God is love; if you abide in Him, you abide in love!
There is a covering between husband and wife; there is a covering between Christ and the church! It is impossible to do anything in the flesh, in our own strength. This is why we need to spend all of our time and life in the Holy Spirit. If you use your own oil, you will light a strange fire. There is no commendation for those who are in Christ, under His shadow, in the Spirit (Romans ????. Trying to obey the law by the flesh brings us under a strong spirit of condemnation. The law can only be fulfilled by the Spirit (Romans 7:14). So, this is why Paul said, “In Him, we live, and breathe and have our being” (Acts 17:28).
Get in the Spirit, and keep yourself in the Spirit. Then, even if you are sleeping, you are still pleasing Him! Anyone who leaves the secret place will always fulfill the deeds of the flesh. Let's read Romans 13:10-13. The word is saying, "Let us put ourselves back under His shadow." Let us put us back. Little children always trust in their parents. We need to become like that. Little children enter into the Spirit of God!
Don’t make provision for your own flesh to fulfill its own lust! God would never call us to do something without making available the power to do it. If He did, then that would be evil. Never say, “I can’t,” but instead say, “He can and He will,” if I say, “Yes!” Galatians 3:26-28 tells us to put on Christ. Let revelation be something that you not only hear but something that you become. Transformation is a process, but abiding is something we must do daily. Jesus said, "If you abide in Me, and My word in you, you will bear the fruit (John 15:7) that is produced in the secret place. He does all of that by the Spirit, water, fire, oil, and wind...These are the elements of His Spirit that He uses to purify us and transform us. Remember, the blood redeems us. The water washes us… ”That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26).
The fire consumes every fleshly desire and stronghold. The oil keeps the fire burning. This is why Jesus commands us to continually be filled with oil, which is His Spirit. Wind refreshes and blows away the dross and the chaff, the remains, and the lies. Remember, if you are in the flesh or under the law, your oil will produce strange fire and the lust of the flesh, not the fruit of the Spirit. God is very adamant about making His church look like Him now. Romans 8 needs to be manifested. Every word you read must be manifested in you. This is why we have the fivefold ministries to help us get to the full stature and measure of Christ! God using His Word and His Spirit through His gifts.
“With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation” (Psalm 91:16)…The promise of a long life… So, be not discouraged because we never find out how “long” it takes until “long” comes. The Word does not lie. No one will know how “long” is. If “long” turns into a short time, that means you have not done what long was expecting you to do. Do whatever “long” expects you to do, and don’t try to shorten the length thereof! We find out that we did not do it when the Word and our lives are shortened through disobeying, by not abiding under the shadow of the Word!
Do everything in the secret place (Ephesians 6:1-20) to please God and not to be seen by God! Be strong in the Lord and the power of His Spirit! Protect the reproduction of your loins by multiplying the Word of Truth. Fight back in the Spirit, not through your flesh and blood, but fight using spiritual weapons! But sometimes, we just need to lay on our own sword and let the sword of His Word kill our own flesh! Use the Sword of the Spirit to take your flesh out of the way. Sometimes, from the secret place is where we get our greatest victory! Pray always in the Spirit! We are pilgrims! We can manifest all we believe! The secret place is the sheep shelter! Ask God to hide you back there today! There is only one step back to the shadow of His wings! There are some things you have done in secret that have taken you out of the secret place! Get back to it today!
Psalm 91 is not just a chapter in the Bible but a place where we all should live, daily! So, come back to that place of protection and rest, and rest under the shadow of His wings! He will cover you with His feathers! This is a decision! It is not done by works but by faith! He did all the work, and now all you need is just to go back to the secret place of the Most High, to stay and to live there so you can abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Shane W Roessiger

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