In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.  The Word was a seed. But there is no seed-time-harvest in heaven! Because there was no timeline. The only way for us to see multiplication is if the seed dies first. It is the world that was created; God was not created. He is and always was. A seed must die to produce. What are you not letting die to produce more? What is stopping you from receiving the increase that others are having? Read John 12:23-26. Every one of us is a product of His harvest, of the seed that our Father sowed. That seed - His only begotten Son – was sown from heaven but on the Earth. He was actually put in the ground, or like we would have said, buried in the Earth. So, God made it so that whatsoever a man sows, he should expect a return. Even in the book of Genesis, we see God began to create creation, and everything was to produce, to be fruitful, and to multiply! Do you want to see His kingdom come? Let that seed die, then…Seed, Time, Harvest. Jesus became the first fruit of many brothers. “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Romans 8:29

Why did Jesus use money as an example? Because the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10)! People love money. It creates idolatry, and money gives earthly power. That is why, throughout the Gospel, Jesus would use something that was an idol for them. He was always exposing gods and pointing us back to the Father. But we are not even talking about money but about the increase in whatever He has given us! We are talking about giving Him all your idols so He can multiply everything in your life!

Today, we are going to talk about multiplication, but for that to happen, you need to let it go. We want to be his right-hand man or woman on the Earth! How do we do that? By multiplying everything that He put inside of us and in our hands. The best seeds in heaven are sacrificial seeds on earth… I am not just coming here with a message that I thought of; I am coming here to release a seed, a Word that will transform your life forever! Many of us need to have our mindsets broken by the hammer of God. Some of our minds have been calcified, and our hearts have been hardened because of these things: religion, false teachers, false prophets, doctrines of devils, man’s wisdom, and a carnal mind. But what did Jesus tell us to preach, know, and live by? The kingdom of God. We will preach, teach, and learn about His ways, and in that, we can receive every good and perfect gift. So, we need the hammer! So many focus on the harvest, but they forget to focus on the sowing. I am not talking about money. I am talking about everything in our life. This is the message of the Kingdom of God! 

That is why you need to let it go, to give it, to sow it, to release it, and to plant it. When that seed is covered in the ground, that is when God does the miracle - in the darkest times, in the hidden places. Eternal seeds sometimes cannot even be seen with natural eyes. What we give has to die to sprout (to resurrect) and to grow for the harvest! Paul said whatsoever a man sows, He shall reap (Galatians 6:7-9)! Whatsoever! In the religious system, people think, "I am poor, help me," but this is not even about prosperity but about faithfulness in multiplying everything given by Him. Let’s now read 2 Corinthians 9:5-12. We must have sufficiency in all things! Many people don’t even know the Word of God! Everything works together for the increase, the increase of the kingdom of God on Earth! The increase of God will cause us, out of our hearts, to thank the Lord! You won’t be thanking Him just because you have to but because of the stewardship, because of the abundance that you are living in and always abounding in the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58)! Be enriched in everything! Satan dresses as a fake minister of righteousness, and he sows, and he reaps! He sows evil thoughts, but it is up to us to pluck it out and to uproot it! We are the ground! We are the ones that water or don’t water those seeds. God will never defile His laws! Whatever you sow or water, you will reap. God sowed His best. God sowed the first seed. Look around you…the multiplication of His sowing! He brings the increase after His own kind! What are you planting?  God sowed His son; now look! He has many sons and daughters! 

Covetousness is wanting everything that God has not given us. It is lust. You will never be satisfied, but if you just work with whatever you have in your hands, only then you will be happy! In lust, you never have enough! You will keep increasing in the natural but decreasing in the spiritual realm. When you break your mindset, you break the stronghold in your life! We must multiply the seed of revelation, the knowledge of Him, the mysteries, the teachings, and the Word of God! If you try to give your seed grudgingly (2 Corinthians 9:7), that seed won't die because it never dies in your heart; you just put it in the basket, but your heart does not ever release it! Religion always thinks on the law; kingdom thinks on the things above. Everything is God’s. We are living sacrifices and just stewards of the seeds that are to be planted and are to be multiplied. Once we can establish these truths, we can begin to multiply. If we don’t, we will always be striving. 

Abraham had to look at the stars to see how many seeds would come after his seed. He had a covenant with God! All sufficiency comes from the seed you let die (2 Corinthians 9:8); these are principles! First comes understanding, revelation, and then manifestation if we apply what we have learned! When we sow when He told us to, we are doing unto Him! When we sow unto Him, our seeds are multiplied! That is why we have the Word of God. The revelation of the mysteries. When God says, “Take your son, your seed, and make an altar and kill him” (Genesis 22:6-14), wow! Then when Abraham obeyed God, that obedience was already manifested in his heart first. God knew that Abraham was going to do what He was asked. So, God provided the sacrifice. God had a plan. No idolatry, then provision. Jehovah Jirah! It was God who gave the increase after the woman gave all she had. It was only two mites, but it was more than all the others that gave out of their religiosity and abundance (Mark 12:38-44). If you don't have sufficiency in all things - peace, joy, righteousness - something is wrong, but it has nothing to do with God! "Now he that ministered seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness" (2 Corinthians 9:10). The young ruler checked all the boxes, but he was not multiplying his richness (Mark 10:17-31)! God wants us to be enriched in everything to all bountifulness (2 Corinthians 9:11). He wants us to increase our fruits of righteousness! Our time must be given to God so He can multiply it! Some people get more done when their agenda is surrendered to the Holy Spirit! 

Multiplication means to be enriched in everything! He wants to make you to be thankful and have a reason to thank Him because of the multiplication we are walking in! We need to seek that bountiful lifestyle for the work of the ministry!  Why are you holding on to something? God sowed His only son to show us how the law of reaping and sowing works. That’s kingdom life! He is the first among many brethren! This is all about the heart. 

Even Satan sows, and the Bible calls it tares (Matthew 13:25-40). He sows discord, sickness, lies, and all kinds of evil things...Remember, even satan can dress up as a minister of righteousness and deceive many. It is written. Not every seed sown is righteous! You can give to God and still be unrighteous! God established this law! Guess what? He wanted more children! Now we have the Word to sow so He can bring the increase and everything after its kind. What are you planting? If you keep giving to the devil, you will be stealing from the Kingdom of God. So, what did God do? He came down to the place where He set the laws, and He sowed His first and only begotten son! Now look at the multiplication of His sons and daughters! Look at the Body of Christ! The kingdom of God is all about multiplication! It is all about increasing! Increasing the fruits and gifts! Increasing in every single aspect! Throw the seed in the ground and cover it with dirt. Even if you don't see it, it is still there!  

You have never seen in the Bible where any man, or any prophet, anyone, called God “father” until Jesus did! Then all of a sudden, “Father, Father, Father!” Then Paul in Romans 8 just gives us the boldness to say, “Abba, Abba, Abba!” See how they want to fight the Spirit! They always want to separate God and man! To call God Father was something so distant! Not even the greatest prophet from the Old Testament could call God Father! God, through Paul, revealed this sonship because God had multiplied the sons and daughters among His people and His Church! They called it blasphemy (John 10:36). Religion brings this fear upon God’s children up to this day! To call God Father means that the multiplication happened when His first son, among many, died as a seed! The spirit of adoption was manifested. Now the world is waiting for the full manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). SONS! PLURAL! Not waiting for Jesus’s return only, but first for Him to be manifested through the power of God, through the Word of God, for the glory in them to be manifested. No more orphans but sons of God, sons of thunder!  

Do you know what the fruit of your faithfulness is? It is called multiplication! We bring seeds of what we are speaking of: Thousands of H.O.T. publications have been sent out freely without charging a penny. This multiplication started by sending out one book to a few. Now, all of the 12 published books have been sent to thousands, to the hungry ones, to the ones in jail, all across this nation, and to many other nations, in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. All free of charge! The fruit of your ground is called multiplication! Look at His church on the Earth that was started in the upper room. Multiplication! When you know Him, you will multiply Him. God has to bring increase! What was one of God’s first instructions to Adam and Eve? Read Genesis 1:20-29. God said, “Do it! Be fruitful and multiply” (verse 22) after its kind! Multiply after its kind! Animals have more understanding than us about what they were created to do. They multiply naturally, and we should be doing the same! God created man after His own likeness (verse 27). Adam and Eve were created in God’s own image before they sowed sin! Again, we are not talking about money. I am talking about the kingdom! Wow! Now He made His son and now wants us to be fruitful and multiply His son on the earth as it is in heaven! Then satan began to sow tares through rebellion and disobedience. Now we have perversion manifesting like never before but at the same time since Jesus’ time until now. We have glory manifesting as well. Two kingdoms have been colliding in the last days. 

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth" (verse 28). God already put the multiplication inside of Adam and Eve in a seed form! God blessed them and brought the increase. First seed of many seeds!   We need to multiply according to this one kind: Christ! Satan is also reproducing after his own kind! He knows about these principles! How about us? You should know that whatever you sow, good or bad, you will reap! The timing is up to God, but the sowing is up to us, and God brings the increase!  We are not just being good, but we are stewards, and that is what all His parables were all about. Everything is His.

Are you multiplying after His own kind? He told us to be fruitful and to multiply! Look at all of the things we can be sowing! What are you sowing? But you can’t sow without letting it die. A sower does not pay attention and does not look at the field every day. 

You just need to be good ground, or you will always be waiting for somebody to be planting in you. We are called to sow into others, and that makes us good ground, so you can reap from their harvest. Religious people are always waiting to receive…But God is saying, “My faithful servants are always multiplying.” They receive freely, and they freely give…always sowing. I am a sower. I am always sowing. I can’t wait to sow. I have this blessing that I want to sow, but there are times when God said to me, “Stop.” I asked, “Why?” He said, “Because they are not good ground.” Then I pray, “God make them a good ground because there is so much you want to give them.” This is the kingdom. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). This is why we never sell anything that came from God (Matthew 10:5-8). 

The manifestation of faithfulness is in multiplication! Multiplication always starts with one. What has God put in your hands? Little or big? Multiply it! It is all about stewardship! And we are called to multiply! Look at the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-33. God gives talents to us according to our ability! This parable is all about multiplication! So many have been hiding the "lord's money" (verse 18), and the Lord reckoned this one! When the Father comes, we need to have something to show! But some have religious excuses for not multiplying it! Verses 24-25: "Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed.”… “And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine." What was ruling in this person’s life? Fear! The master called him a slothful and wicked servant! All this servant had was taken away from him (verse 28). He called him an unprofitable servant! That is a bad and lazy servant! See, this servant did not really know his master. He had no relationship. He saw him as a tyrant and as angry and ready to punish him. But God is Good.

People that don’t understand the kingdom don’t understand the Father. They are still orphans. They don’t trust the Father. They live with this works and religious mentality. They are fearful ground, filled with worry about tomorrow, never letting anything die because they don’t understand the Father. God will separate the sheep from the goats, the sons from the orphans, and the multipliers from the seed eaters! Are you work-minded or sower-minded? We are called to multiply, not to strive. It is impossible to do any kind of holy multiplication with a bad heart!  You see…messages like this could get you work-minded. It could get people back under the law… But NO, NO, NO. It is all about going back to the heart… You can be resting and still multiplying…. Producing! You have to be free to release freely! Out of the abundance of your heart, a man releases! This is not about striving! It’s about the abundance of the heart and productivity. It is about passion, zeal, and endurance! 

Why does Jesus say “to buy oil”? We must be producing because when we produce, we are productive. Why does Jesus use money all the time? It is because He knew that it would be an idol…. Remember the parable of the rich man (Luke 16:19-31)? Remember the woman with two mites (Mark 12:41-44)?  Remember the guy who got beat up on the side of the road (Luke 10:25-47)? Look at this: if all you ever do is wait to receive then you are not good ground! A good ground produces after its own kind. Produces out, not in. God made it that way so no man can have an excuse. He has given at least a seed to everyone, actually; he gives a seed to the sower (1 Corinthians 9:10-11)! 

The Good Samaritan was not a man with just a good character, but he was a good ground; he was a multiplier. He threw seeds inside that man on the side of the road. What kind of person (ground) are you? Wayside, stony ground, thorny ground, or good ground? Read Mark 4:3-11! We are stewards of everything He put in our hands! The more you know the King, the more you know about the kingdom! We have the ordination from the King of kings!  We rejoice in giving all the benefits of the kingdom of heaven! If you want love, sow love, and you will see the multiplication! If you want peace, sow peace in other people, and you will see the multiplication in you! After its own kind, you will reap, if you sow! 

It was sown in one, in 12 disciples, excluding Judas (Judas was the ground that was not good), and then in three thousand! Now look at us! Now that seed will be multiplied through us, and what is inside that seed will be multiplied! 30, 60, and 100-fold! It does not matter the abundance of the multiplication, but you have to have some multiplication in your life, or you are not a multiplier! Are you multiplying? Are you coming back with more than He gave you? Don’t tell me you don’t have to sow! Just ask the Father to show you what and where to sow! We all have the chance to multiply! It is not a matter of how many seeds – a little or a lot – that you have but if you use the opportunity to multiply it! God gives seed to the sower, and He expects you to multiply it! 

“And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.” Colossians 2:19

Maybe you are not living in the increase with the increase of God because you are not multiplying everything He has given you! What do you have to give Him? Everything. The kingdom produces multiplication after its own kind! Let this mind be in you, the same mind that was in the seed that produced you! The first brother of many children! The first son of many sons! Abba, Father! How do you see your Father? Is He a good Father or a legalistic one ready to throw you in hell? God sowed His own life! There is only one greater than those who sow everything: those who sow His own self! Seed of many brothers! The Holy Spirit is still producing after its own kind! Release your harvest! We don’t have to pray for the harvest! Just release it! Don’t keep looking for somebody to sow into you, but look for something to sow into! Don’t ask what the kingdom can do for you. Ask what you can do for the kingdom! 

 “And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you.” 1 Thessalonians 3:12

Sow yourself to the nations! Sow yourself to the kingdom! Sow yourself and multiply after His own kind! To minister is also sowing for the sake of God and His people! So many religious ministries struggle because they are always trying to get people to put seed in their own ground!  But a good farmer wants to get their produce to the market, to the world. They want their product out! They don’t want their harvest for themselves. If it does not get out, the produce gets spoiled. So crazy how we can play with this word: produce, product, production. When we think of this, we only think about fruits and vegetables. God thinks of a production of everything that is good! So, the farmer wants to multiply it! That is the difference between a kingdom church and a religious church! 

A good ground is always waiting for the harvest to come out of what they let die!  When you are waiting for a paycheck so you can pay the bills, that means that you are not waiting for that money so you can sow it. So, you are just waiting to fulfill your needs. This is not kingdom. A multiplier is a sower. See, first, you need to get your mind aligned through the Word of God! If you look at the world, you will always hold on to ensure your own harvest! Fear, storing up…religion is all about doom and gloom. But the kingdom is all about miracles, multiplication, and increase no matter the season. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2

Things that stop the harvest: inner vows! “I will never let her or him do that again.” “I am going do this that God has shown me” (but you never do)! So much witchcraft can come from this because so many just want to check all the boxes! Checking boxes is not of a harvester! This is how the religious system operates. God is always setting us up to multiply, but we keep eating our seeds. This is how religion operates: “check, check, check”; “Going to church,” “I am helping here,” “I am spending time doing this, that, and the third!” “Someone else is already doing that!” Kingdom is a secret life, and only the reward is seen openly! It is all about multiplication after Jesus’s own kind! When you say, Abba Father, God sees how successful His sown seed was! What are you producing out of you? What are you multiplying? Are you multiplying anything? What is your produce? Are they heavenly? We are farmers, too, but we are the ground of our farmers! 

God even showed the kingdom in the Old Testament. Look at this: One little cake sown…multiplication! Elijah was not sent to the richer woman in town but to the poorer one (1 King 17:8-16)! The disciples wanted Jesus to do the multiplication, but Jesus said to them, "What do YOU have? You give them to eat!" (Matthew 14:16). Jesus multiplied Himself – the bread from heaven – now I need to multiply myself according to His own kind! Satan was trying to tempt Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11), convincing him to multiply things for His own sake. But Jesus never did! His multiplication was focusing on others and not on His own self!  

Elijah was sent to just a few. She honored the prophet, and she received the prophet's reward (Matthew 10:41-42))! Those who would honor the Word of God will be honored by God!  Let’s change a few words…Receive the Word and receive the reward from the Word! Some of us are not receiving the reward from the Word because we are not receiving the Word! God is looking for good ground when you are trying to get something from God! Get your mind straight, and you will taste the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13-14). You need to let something die first to see the multiplication happen! Those inner vows stop us from sowing! We need to break them! And keep on sowing, or the multiplication stops! God wants everything! The more we release ourselves, the more we start seeing every seed planted springing up to life! 

Lord, help us to be faithful in multiplication! In addition! In Increasing! In multiplying! This is what we are called for! God has made us ruler over many things. We will enter into His joy as we multiply what He gave us (Matthew 25:2-24). We will always abound in the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58), always producing the Work of the Lord! Full of supply! Plentiful! Bountiful! Lush! Flourishing! Generously! We are reproducing Christ on Earth! That seed will produce after its own kind! That holy seed planted in our own self shall flourish and shall multiply after its own kind! No more dead seeds but living seeds! We will multiply after God’s fruit, after Christ’s kind. We are called to release and not hold! Don’t be bound up! Be a giver! The world will take notice! Make sure you do it all for the glory of God and not for your own glory and make sure to be cheerful and see His kingdom come! Because we are called to multiply! 

Shane W Roessiger




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