“Father, we shut down every spirit of religion, tradition, and of the work of the flesh, and we look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith! Thank you for filling the house. This house shall be a house of humility! A house of Your presence! A house of prayer!”  

Jesus was not a person who would attract others by the flesh, but what was inside of Him the whole world wanted to see.  He was a man of sorrow, a partaker of our grief. He was bruised for our iniquity! Jesus received 39 lashes, and some people say that they represent the 39 root diseases known by man. Regardless, by His stripes, we were healed. Isaiah 53 was written even before all of this happened to Jesus Christ! But they could not see. They rejected Him. This is a spirit of religion, proving that pride blinds. Today pride is what still denies the power of the Holy Spirit in His people. 

When Jesus was lifted up just like Moses lifted the serpent, Jesus became a curse for us so we can be healed, saved, and delivered! The cross is for you and for me, the power of God! But faith activates His power! Faith is activated by believing! Not everybody has faith, but God sees faith in all who look to Jesus. There is no age requirement in the blood! It does not matter how young or old you are! Jesus did not come to bring us doubt! This communion we take is not tradition; it is power, it is Jesus! It is not just a symbolic act. When Jesus ate the Passover with His disciples, they called it “The Last Supper” for a reason. Now we eat Him. He literally sat with His disciples and said, "This is My Body," and He took it and ate it (Matthew 26). Then He took the cup and said, "Drink it all." Wow, that word ALL is so powerful. Then He said, "This is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many, for the remission of sins" (verses 27-28). Wow! He was about to bring His self as the final Passover Lamb. So exciting that even the religious cannot even see this now. He said to them, "I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom (verse 29). He and all of us will drink it together in eternity, in the Kingdom!" Wow! 

In Hebrews 9, it mentions a worldly sanctuary that had divine services, patterns, order, and significance to the priest, but who is this worldly sanctuary, the house of God, who is the temple? Who is the house of God today (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)? Who is the priest? What do they look like today (1 Peter 2:9)? We are the priest of this house. Let you be read by man (2 Corinthians 3:2)! God did not just leave us the book of Acts; He left us the Spirit that did the acts written in the book! He gave us the temple! Jesus - His son - was the first temple of many living temples, made not by the hands of man but by the hands of God (Acts 7:48). 

Remember, He said in John 2:19-31, "I will destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in 3 days." Then they started mocking Him and laughed. They looked at the works of their hands (the temple they built), and they called Him mad. They told him how hard it was and how long it took to build it. Come on and let us see! It is funny because they are doing the same thing today. They build their religion, and they take it back to the work of the flesh and to keeping the old wine, to the Old Testament priestly works - of the old, from without - but Jesus came for us to have it from within. 

So, communion is to be done every day and not by a worldly sanctuary!  We are not talking about a wafer and a shot glass of juice. We are talking about what He was – The Lamb of God.  "Eat His flesh, drink His blood." This represents communion but also a covenant relationship as He is the builder and the maker. What was inside of the ark? The presence: "Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid roundabout with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant (Hebrews 9:4). What happened when the priest entered into the Holy of Holies with sin? What happened when they carried the ark in a wrong way? They died! But it is for us to carry this glory and presence from within (John 17)! As it is written in Colossians 1:27-28: “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.”

God is building a tabernacle for Himself, not built by man but built by Him, by the hands of God with living stones, fitly joined together, not by religions but a house whose builder is God! Jesus said My prayer is not just for them (the twelve) but for us all today! The same glory! The blood did this for us! Whatever we have inside of us can only be activated by knowing Him and knowing us in Him! Eating His flesh and drinking His blood - our daily feast, our daily Passover, our peace. Our shalom is in consuming all the Lamb! 

He will build His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail (Matthew 16:18)! Now we are the Body of Christ! Every good gift comes from above (James 1:17), and it is the Father that gives unto man as He wishes! Back to Hebrews 9, now we are the rod of God (verse 4), meaning authority, just like Moses! We are endowed with power! God will stretch forth His hand, and He will do signs and wonders through His sons and daughters, His living epistles (2 Corinthians 3:2) read by their lives and words. This is a glorious time, a glorious promise. God will have His sons and daughters manifesting His glory to glorify the builder and the maker and the work of God’s hands in His holy house. 

Communion is all about entering into agreement with Jesus, not with what He is going to do but with what He has done already! We need to have this mindset! We have obtained eternal redemption through His blood! How much more the blood of Christ can do for us if the blood of goats and calves and bulls were being used for the atonement of our sins. How much more? How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” Hebrews 9:14

Now Jesus is the book, and we are the people (verse 19). He sprinkled His blood on both! Jesus appeared in the presence of God for us (verse 24). Stop trying to do it all by yourself. He has done it, just believe it! Did you catch this? The Old Testament priest would sprinkle the blood on the book, and now the blood and the book are one. We are the washed. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Wow! The Word bled, the Lamb of God! God Himself sacrificed His son as the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). Not just to cover our sins but to wash them away. He took them for us once and for all. Not just for a cover up but for redemption, for a covenant eternal, and not only for once a year, for a tradition, or for a priestly ceremonial but forever! Only through the blood of Christ can we be born again! 

This is the good news: No more need of others, but His! He did it all (verse 25). How do you enter into Christ? Through the blood! Through one door: Jesus! He is the door! He is the narrow way! Religion tries to build the narrow way through the law!  If anyone tried to enter in through anyway, He is a thief (John 10:10). Not through a side door, a tunnel, a window... No! It must be through Him and His blood! He is the door; He is the way. It is not by works anymore but by Him. We are sanctified, justified, and being set apart as a holy nation and a royal priesthood. Run from anyone who wants to put you back under the law. 

Our communion is with the Father and with His Son (1 John 1). John the Baptist came to bear witness of THE light! And He said, Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!  John bore witness to the light, but he was not. Jesus now says that you are the light of the world, the menorah in you, the temple, of this house not made by the hands of man but by God Himself, Yahweh, the creator of all things. His first plan is His last plan. The lamb slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). Wow! "Thank you, Father, for eyes to see and ears to hear." Many have ears but cannot hear, and eyes, but they cannot see. Some will read this and will not see but blessed is the man who can! God wants to put His light inside of His church, and now we are the light of the world! Don’t hide it but shine it in the whole house and the whole world! Jesus did not die to give you a little flicker. "I came to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire!” He said (Matthew 3:11-17). A blood bath is done so we can be cleaned from all iniquity (Matthew 3:11-17). Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin! 

There is a feast of unleavened bread (Matthew 26:17-29). He is that feast! If we want to be His disciple, we must feast on Him, or we won’t have life in us (John 6:53). Let’s stop being a traditionalist and start being a partaker! Stop being a ritualist and start being a partaker, a co-heir, be the one that He died for you to be! I need to be in communion every day. It does not matter if I am at work or at my friend's house, I still need to be sitting at His table! Communion is not a tradition; it is a relationship! He came to give us an eternal table to sit at! 

“Father, forgive me. I can’t wait to be forgiven until the next religious ceremony, until the next Passover calendar, until the next Sunday communion. Forgive me this day! Passover is us passing from dead to life. This only happens through His blood! And that happens every day! "Give me this day our daily bread!" That is communion! The new Passover celebration does not look like the Passover the way the Jews did it and still do celebrate it. He is my daily feast! Now, it is about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, every day! He said to us, "I am not doing it the same way! We are drinking together. I am taking this tradition and manifesting it in the vessels, in My people, "...I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom..." (Matthew 26:29). 

This is the cup of this New Testament ... Drink it! Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of communion! You can’t do it just occasionally or by a calendar, but today and every day! This is a covenant! Everything He has is ours! That is life! This is an eternal covenant! A covenant between God and man cannot be broken! What God has put together no man can separate (Mark 10:9) – I am not talking about wife and husband - but Christ and the church! His church is the one that overcomes everything by the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 12:7-17). His church understood that it all was done once and for all! This is the power of our testimony! It is not about my blood or your blood! It is all about the blood of the Lamb! It is written! And it is finished! 

Shane W Roessiger




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