“Father, we behold you above our circumstances, above anything, because you are everything. You are all we need. We set our gaze upon you. You are changing us as we keep our eyes on You, the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. We lift our eyes upon you, and we keep our focus upon you. We behold!” So, what does behold mean? To behold is to focus, to gaze upon, to magnify, to exalt, to lift up. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So, what we behold, we become. What we believe we shall become, and what we meditate on, we shall be. We have to follow the Word to become the Word. The Word became flesh, so now we can behold the Word, which is Jesus Christ. Going from Glory to Glory, from Faith to Faith. How is that done? By beholding. What we behold, we shall be! Will you be watching when He comes? In the world, we focus on our goals; we focus on our problems to fix them. In the world, it is like that, but in the kingdom, everything is in Him. Everything we need to behold is in Him! In Him, we live and have our being (Acts 17:28), so in Him, we have everything! If we focus on our lack, on people, on this person, on that person, then we begin to focus on everything else but Him. 

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). John knew about the one that was coming. But there was a specific day when their eyes were open, and John the Baptist said, “Behold Him.” Finally, John saw Him as the Lamb that was slain. The same spirit that raised Jesus up was raising John, and John started seeing things differently. He not only said, “Behold the Lamb,” but when He said it, then Jesus was baptized. God confirmed what John saw. The voice said, “This is My son.” Wow! God will always confirm His voice in His prophets. I am looking for that today! For God to confirm His Word Himself today. Signs in the heavens and wonders on the Earth. Nobody saw the voice, but they all heard it! What a magnificent confirmation!

What are you exalting today? This and that. I tell you, if you behold your negativity, you will always be in it. But if you start beholding, following, and obeying the Lamb, you will have all that the Lamb has. He has everything. Our problem is not believing but what we are beholding. Are you becoming what you are believing? Are you speaking what you are beholding? Are you walking with the doubters? Are you hanging out with those full of faith and being transformed by the Lamb? You have to behold the Lamb yourself. If you walk with religion, you become it! If you walk with the bad influences, you become it! If you walk with foolish virgins, you will become foolish. What we become has to do with what we behold! Who and what we walk with is what we become! How can we walk with those we do not agree with (Amos 3:3)? We all in the house of God should behold the Lamb, and the Lamb is the Word, and the Word became flesh. John never said, “Behold my cousin.” He looked beyond familiarity. He saw Jesus with the eyes of the Spirit. He said, “Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” So, we can focus on Him, not on our sins and not on our past but on the hope set before us.

If we have obtained the same things (Philippians 3:15-19), we need to behold the same things. To behold the Lamb is not to see a bloody imaginary man on the cross. The enemy of the cross is the enemy of the power of the cross. Religiosity tries to obtain the power of the cross without eating the Lamb. Don’t be contemplating what we see in the carnal aspect of things. Don’t mind earthly things (verse 19). Don’t behold anything else that the Bible tells you not to. Who is the price? Who is the highest thing in life for you? Jesus. If you put your eyes on Him, you can get all of Him. We cannot look here and there or at what this person thinks about you. Today, behold the Word! What we behold, we become! Beholding is becoming in the kingdom of God!

The more we worship Him, the more we become like Him! We all have made an agreement to walk with and follow the Lamb. We are not here to entertain spirits but to be one with the Spirit of God! What makes me worldly? Perverted purpose. A double-mindedness. When your purpose becomes His purpose, only then do you obtain all He has for you. Whatever we do, what’s the purpose if it’s for us? If your purpose is His purpose, purpose breeds destiny. If it’s for the kingdom, then you’re fulfilling your destiny! “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). Who is the kingdom? He is the kingdom! If you don’t focus on Him first, you are not seeking the kingdom first. But if you do seek His kingdom and His righteousness, then all things shall be added unto you. Your focus is your design! What we behold, we become!

Sometimes people want your blessings to rub off on them, but they don’t want to focus on what they should be focusing on. Even the world understands it. Social connections are all over. Everybody is looking for the man to help them to be prosperous. They need a mentor, a shark, a guru, or a coach. But we have THE MAN; we have THE GUY; we have THE LAMB! The sons and daughters of God are the most blessed people on Earth. All we need to do is to get closer to our Lord, to our Savior, to our King, and to stay together with people that behold the same One. But so many carnal children want to be somebody else!

Read this story about Jacob in Genesis 30:30-43. He worked very hard for Laban and wanted him to give him his portion, but Laban was deceiving him. So Jacob went all around and made lines in the fences.  “Then he placed the peeled branches in all the watering troughs, so that they would be directly in front of the flocks when they came to drink. When the flocks were in heat and came to drink, they mated in front of the branches. And they bore young that were streaked or speckled or spotted” (Genesis 30:38-39). The flocks were gazing at the lines. See, what they had their eyes gazed on was what was reproduced. This was so prophetic. Many do not even realize it. No matter how hard Laban tried to trick Jacob, God made a way and had a plan. Now the plan for His people, His flock, His sheep is to look at the One who was slain. As we behold Him, we will produce after His own kind. We will begin to look like Him and like the Word.

Everything we do has to have God first and must be Kingdom-minded. When you are a son, then there should be nothing you do that is secular! No such thing really for you as secular! Because we are in the world but not of it! Consecration is of the heart, not of the world! Your purpose is not what you do. Your purpose is to behold Him, on who He is, so you can become. That is how you start missing the blessings of the Lamb: Through whatever you say or come in agreement with that is not of the Lamb. People in the wilderness were meditating on the wrong things. If your focus is on any negative thing, any carnal thing, you need to turn around and keep your eyes on Him. You are dreaming, but what are you dreaming? The dreams of God or the dreams of your own heart? He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords. My God has everything, but if you don’t see Him, you cannot see yourself becoming like Him. We are as He is. 

Are you inviting people over to see the Lamb or to see all the negative things that you don’t have? Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. John was a light, but he was not THE light. He was the one to bear witness to THE light. What kind of witness are you today? Whatever is in your heart and mind is what you are beholding. They were in the wilderness. God was giving them manna from heaven, and they did not see it as the bread from heaven. They asked, “What is this?”

“And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, this is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat” (Exodus 16:15). This is manna. God gave us everything! Gave us the bread. Gave us the Lamb. But we are still going after the onions from Egypt. We are always looking for something better than what is ahead of us. We keep saying the same, “What is this? This is not what I was expecting. This is not what I thought it was going to look like.” You are looking at the wrong thing.

If He is not first in the little, he will never be first in the much! He will never give you more until He is first in the little and in the much! If you get much when He is little, He will not help you keep that for you, and He may even take it away from you. He is the bread of life! If your eyes are not beholding Him, what are you beholding? If it is not Him, it is not in the light, but darkness (Luke 11:33-36). We are the head, not the tail! Kings and priests! Whatever you do is to bring the kingdom to where and whatever you do! When you behold Him, He must prosper you if you are in it to prosper His kingdom! Because you are in the kingdom to prosper the Kingdom, His Kingdom, not yours.

God anoints us to advance His vision and purpose when we are in it for Him; then He must be in it for you! What we behold, we become! The anointing only comes when we submit to Him for His Glory’s sake! Be the salt wherever you are! Many are stuck because their salt is for them, not for Him! Many are stuck because they are trying to build their own kingdom, their names, their dreams and their vision and taking scripture out of context and using a gift for their advantage, their vanity, or their own! Selfish ambitions. When you are connected to a promise, there is always a connection with the land! When we are connected to the one who gave us the promise, the land is ours. But only a few get hold of the land because they are not beholding the one who gave the promise. They were worshiping the land but never received the promise because their eyes were in the wrong place: on the carnal, on the land, and not on the One who gave it!

Two shall become one: the promise and the one who gave the promise. For that to happen, we need to behold the Lamb. It is about our vision, our focus. So, if the enemy can get you to not see who you are, then He can stop you from being who you are! Watch out for negative agreement! Negative faith. Negative attitudes. Focusing on the giants. On what you see in the natural. On what you do not have yet. They got stuck in the wilderness. When they had no vision, they began to worship what they built, what they had, and what they made an idol out of. They focused on what they had instead of using what they had to cross over to the promised land.

They were still beholding Egypt when they were supposed to behold the one who gave the promise! Complainers are never sustainers! They built the golden calf to make sure they would get to the Promised Land and made their own god (Exodus 32:1-9). What is your god? Your car, your stuff, people that like you or don’t like you? BUT behold the Lamb! This is the One that will take Egypt out of you, that place of idolatry! God took them to the wilderness to train them to depend and look upon God. Don’t look at what God is giving you and complain saying, “What is this?” This is manna from heaven, the bread from heaven, the Word of God! You need to eat! This will sustain you. If you don’t love Him in the little, you will not love Him in the much! God was trying to satisfy them with the Word, with the manna from heaven! But they took their eyes off Him and started worshiping the promise and not the one who gave it. They were still looking back to Egypt, family, traditions, the world, and everything else and trying to tell others, “Jesus is first,” and people around were like, “No, He is not.” We all know that who is first in your life is the one you behold more often! So, the Bible calls it a lie! “They worship Him with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him” (Matthew 15:8).

“Father, we thank you because we will learn to behold you above anything else. We will behold your Word, and we will become just like you. We will not be complainers but beholders of You. In You are all things we need and want and go after. Father, we are reaching the promise, but we will not focus on the promise because we don’t want to become the promise because the world is not waiting for me to be blessed but for the manifestations of the sons and daughters, the beholders! The ones who focus on the promises that our sins will be taken away through the Lamb of God! Oh, great promise! Thank You, Jesus. I don’t have to save myself. All I need is to change my focus and gaze upon You!” Amen.

Shane Roessiger

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