Opportunity to Sow Seeds


“In the beginning was the Word and the Word became flesh.” His Words are Spirit, and they are life (John 1). So, although we live in a fleshly body, we must walk in the Spirit and become the Word. The Word always moves in the Spirit, and we are made clean by His Word (John 15:3-5). Those who walk in His Word, in the Spirit, do not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16-26). God is raising you up to become the Word. He said in John 6:54-58, “Eat my flesh and drink my blood…”, meaning, “Eat my Word and live My life.” He is saying, “All who drink from His cup will live and will drink with Him again in eternity.” Life is in the blood, so when we are living His life, in obedience, and when we are suffering for righteousness, we are drinking His blood. He is not speaking about a symbolic ritual but a daily bread. He is not speaking of a religious work but a new life, a new way, and a New Testament.  

But the anti-Christ spirit wants you to drink from your own cup, from another cup, from the cup of the flesh, of fornication, of abominations (the cup of devils) and lies that so easily entangle us. No. Drink from His Word. Don’t drink from your flesh. But we always think that the lust of the flesh means only gluttony, stealing, manipulation, witchcraft, and so on. But how about affirmation, needing to be seen, desire for attention, desire for people to know what you do, the desire for a title, for platform, fame, and fortune? Jesus was known all around, but He was not seeking any of that because He wants His Father to be glorified. No matter what anybody says, I must go back to the Word. I don’t want to be deceived by another man, by another Christ, or by another gospel. I need to know Him. The more I know Him, the more I become one with Him. The more I know His Word, the more I am one with His Word. 

Crowds started following Jesus because they wanted something from Him. But Jesus did not want people following Him because of miracles, blessings, or fame. Yes, He wanted them to receive His words, the things He did, the signs, the miracles, the healing, the power of casting out demons but it was so people would believe on Him, not so He would become famous. The Bible said in Mark 16:17-20 that signs and wonders will follow those who believe on Him, and the Lord would work with them, and confirm the word with signs following. Amen. These promises are for those who follow His Words. Only the true living God can back His Word with power. Another thing He does is to bring the dew and His presence to those who preach and follow the real Word. We have people who love His presence, but they get offended at the Word and leave. They love the presence but don’t love the Word. 

How about the lust of flesh when we don’t preach the Gospel and preach what people want to hear? Motivational speakers filling the flesh of man. It is not a coincidence that, in the Bible, these two come in sequence: The lust of the flesh and the pride of life! “For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world” (1 John 2:16). “Many Christs shall come and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:5), but you will know His disciples, by what? By their fruits. Don’t let the anti-Christ lead you but be led by His Word. There have always been anti-words, twisting, deceiving, even denying the real Word when the Word is right there. Many will still cherry-pick the written Word to make and to mean something else. Some will say things that are written in the Word to someone that has never been born again just to fill their lustful desires. 

I want more of His presence. That is why I want to preach more and more His Truth. Let’s read 1 John 2:15-19 and see how the Word deals with the flesh. The kingdom does not carry any lust of the flesh. The kingdom of God does not carry the lust of the eyes nor the pride of life! This word says in verse 15 that if we have these fleshy lusts, the love of the Father and the Word of the Father are not in you! Don’t tell me you love God when you don’t love the Word because you can’t separate God and His Word (John 1). They are one! I cannot give you lust and Christ at the same time every Sunday! So many are preaching to the flesh. But spirit and flesh are contrary to one another. Many anti-Words will come in the last days! They have a title of Christian or of some denomination, but they are not of us because they preach another gospel. They are not continuing in the Word. They left the Word! It does not matter which church you go to but which Word you follow! Let them not say the Word is not important, let them not say that the Spirit is not important, but let them say, “We need both.” This way His presence, freedom, and power will follow us. 

“I have this against you, you left the Word, and you let this woman – this spirit of jezebel – to preach to My people, to seduce My people, and to eat things sacrificed to other gods,” God is saying in Revelation 2:20. Jezebel preachers are feeders of the flesh. True sons and daughters are preaching and eating the Truth – the real bread – the Word of God. They live by the Word of God! Now we know that Jesus Christ is the Word, so when people, even Christians, deny the Word or try to change the Word or use it deceitfully, they are antichrist, too. Intimacy with the Word, intimacy with Christ, and holding tight to it are the way to make it to the end. Everybody wants the presence; they worship the presence. When the music stops the presence stops, too. But we are called to carry His presence, and the places where the Word is, so is the Spirit. You cannot have one without the other. If there is a counterfeit spirit, the Word will expose it. The first thing that God’s presence does is to convict us of sin and bring joy to those who bend at His Word. 

When we give in to the flesh, to this and that, we are following the lust of the flesh. Satan uses the PRIDE of LIFE as a weapon! People want to be popular, to be this and that, but Jesus made himself of no reputation (Philippians 2:7-10). But Jesus said in Luke 6:26, “Woe to you when people say good things about you, so did they do to the false prophets.” If you don’t know the things you will have to go through, you will think you are doing something wrong.

At the end, many will fall way. Fall away from what? From the Word. Let this WORD BE IN YOU. Let this MIND BE IN YOU. Stand in the Word. Kill the pride of life. Don’t desire people to see you doing what is right, giving this, doing that. This is all part of our dying! Imagine the temptation Jesus had when He knew who He was, where He was from, what He had, and the sacrifices that He was making! Imagine the temptation to let everyone know what He was giving up! Do you know that He told us to do as He did? Giving His life for a ransom! He clearly told them but did not make himself higher than anyone, but on the contrary, He washed his disciple’s feet. He had it all, but He made himself of no reputation! “Oh, I could turn stones into bread, I will show you devil” … No. There was no lust of the flesh leading him or proving Himself. He let His Father and the Word prove who He was. 

God wants us to be under the same Word. Let’s read Philippians 2:1-7. Nothing can be done in vanity, strife, or vainglory! Adam was deceived by the lust of the eye in the garden. They saw that the fruit was pleasant to the eyes (Genesis 3:6). It took only one bite and the WORD inside of him died. The image of God inside of HIM died! Truth was now mixed with a lying spirit. Satan began to have power. But now it takes one WORD, one SPIRIT, to have that image restored! Now as we began to eat His flesh and drink His blood, to eat His Word and live His life, we start pulling out the image that was stolen. 

Now God took the Word and sent it back into the world in the form of Jesus. His son became flesh and dwelt among us again. Mary – without the help of Joseph - birthed Christ. Now all who have intimacy with the Word will give birth to Christ, to His Word. They will become one with it just as it happened to Jesus! Bone upon bone, flesh upon flesh, being born again not from a corruptible seed, but from the seed of Christ. “My words are spirit, and they are life. Receive My Word and you are receiving Me,” God is saying. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God! This unity is happening now to His bride, His Church! If they are not preaching this, they are not preaching the Gospel. Satan is not attacking the religious system; he is attacking the Word! He is not attacking the mega-ministry motivational guru. He is attacking the Word. The same thing he did in the beginning, he is doing now: “Did God really say that? Did God really mean that?” 

Many people burn with the lust of people knowing who they are, what they have, what they do, where they go, what they have done, what they have accomplished. It was not until Jesus appeared again and God glorified Him that people finally realized what He was talking about! Imagine that boost of confidence! Imagine Him appearing in a glorified body! The only marks that Jesus carried about His greatest accomplishment were the wounds on his back. These are the marks that the Word will produce! The marks of eternal life! The marks of Christ! The Word preaches what you need and not what you want! Today is the day we can choose the narrow way! The narrow way is the way of the Truth! Imagine you spending your entire life thinking you are in the Truth – when you are not, and you are spending your entire life thinking you are not in the Truth – when you are! The devil is the author of those lies. He was a liar from the beginning. 

God does not exalt the work of the flesh because it has been God alone who exalts us. When man tries to exalt oneself, it is failure! The Bible says in Philippians 2:3 to “esteem others higher than yourself!” The Bible says also to pray in secret, to give in secret (Matthew 6:5-6). No man can glory in the flesh (1 Corinthians 1:29). People don’t know the Word. God does not want you to be seen by the traditions of men. Because those traditions make the Gospel of no effect (Mark 7:13)! He wants us to be living epistles read by all men (2 Corinthians 3:2). He wants us to live out the book of Acts, not just to hand out tracts. He wants us to make the Word famous, not our flesh. 

We are seeing a lot of trumpet ministries. They are just making noise to be seen of men! They are not end-time messenger trumpets! They are filled with and seek self-ambition, self-motivation, self-seeking, self-assurance, self-help, and self-satisfaction. God is saying, “We must do all we do for the audience of one!” The problem is when you want to be seen that becomes noticeable and that destroys the glory of God! If everybody is looking at you, how can they see Him?

Some people are in such a struggle in their hearts! They know they need to keep things personal; they know they need to be silent or anonymous; but something burns in them – that desire to let everybody know the “who’s”, the “what’s”, the “why’s” and the “when’s”! They live in a world of false humility, looking humble, but their hearts are all puffed up! When preachers and teachers do that, it’s even way worse, way more noticeable, and way more unattractive! Insecurity is very bad but worse is an insecure leader! Read Matthew 6:1-7. Do it all to be seen by the Father! He will reward you by signs, wonders, and power. Let this mind be in you! This is the Gospel. This is the cross! Let His Word in me show the world how clean I am! 

Sometimes we are so concerned with what goes into the temple, but Jesus was way more concerned at what comes out of the heart (Matthew 15:11)! His Word will be so strong in us that whatever comes out of us will be His Word! Keep on drinking His blood and eating His flesh. The spiritual appetite of the pride of life as fame, fortune, self-ambition, false encouragement, and man pleasing: That’s what defiles a man!

The Word of God changes us from glory and glory, from revelation to revelation, from persecution to persecution! We must know: We must have intimacy with the Word so we can become one. To know means a marriage ceremony! When two people become one for the first time, there is blood. The same happen with us. When we become one with God, there is blood. Drink it! 

Read James 4:1-3. It says, “You don’t have because you don’t ask;” but also shows us that some people are asking but they have not. Why? Because they are asking after they own flesh! “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” Live your life not to fulfill the lust of your own life (1 Peter 4:1-3). Live it to fulfill the will of the Father.” That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.” Anything that replaces Christ is idolatry! Anything that is first beside God in your life is idolatry! Anything that brings more pleasure than Him is idolatry! This is not something we can do without Him. “So Holy Spirit, help us to live the life you have for us.”

Read 2 Peter 2:10-18. The devil deceives and thinks he can win! He is deceived! He cannot! We live by every Word that comes out of the mouth of God, because that Word shall be accomplished in our lives! Don’t worry about anything your flesh wants. Think on things above, heavenly things! Christ in us! The Word in us! Don’t worry about anything else. The world is not waiting for another man! It is waiting to see the real Christ. The world is waiting for the manifestation of the Words of God to be seen. That is the sons of God.  

If everyone thinks you’re crazy, if your family does not want anything to do with you, if it is hard to hang around people in the world, if people have suggested that you are in a cult, if more people hate you than like you, then you just might be on the right path…considering the world and Babylon. I want to commit gluttony for His Word like never before! Let Him be in me, and I must decrease that His Word increases in me. 

If you have the Word, don’t settle. If you have the Word, don’t let your flesh deceive you! Eat His flesh and not your own flesh. The only thing that God has promised us is that if we obey Him, everything will be fine! Let His Spirit quicken you because the flesh profits nothing. I want to encourage you to pick up your cross, pick up your cross and let the lust of your flesh die. John 6:63… “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”


Shane Roessiger

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