God - our Father - is called the God of patience, and if we are His sons and daughters, we should be patient as well. Patience is the fruit of Him who is Spirit. When we live and breathe in Him, this is the attribute that God is producing in us. God tempts no man! But God uses the tempter on the outside and in our minds to produce His character on the inside. Patience even during our tests, trials, and temptations. In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray, saying, “Do not lead us into temptation.” Even though sometimes God will allow us to go to the wilderness or desert to be tempted by Satan just like it happened to Jesus. Why? Because God wants to pull something out of us, to purify us, to show us what we are made of and see how we are doing and maturing. Because no man can serve two masters. No man can serve themselves and God; Babylon/the World and His kingdom; Jezebel and God’s Spirit and His messengers at the same time. But people take this road of worry because they are trying to serve worry and faith at the same time. You always will have to choose which master to serve: God or Mammon; fear or faith; worry or trust. Or you will be living in doublemindedness! The Bible calls it being unstable! Jesus did talk about “all things shall be added” in Matthew 6. He made a clear point: do not worry or be anxious for tomorrow when you are in today. In this writing, you will see why we worry, what worry comes from, and how God teaches us how to not worry! When God says something to us, we need to wait on Him, in patience and faith, not in anxiety. Therefore, He says, “Be anxious for nothing but in all prayer and supplication make your request known unto God.” He also says that “He knows what we need even before we ask Him.” This is our security.
Many have lost patience in the waiting, during the tests and trials. To be waiting on the Lord is not doing nothing. It is waiting on His counsel, on His instruction. Only God knows tomorrow – we don’t. That is why in this passage, He said, “Worry not about tomorrow.” You cannot fear about tomorrow and have faith for tomorrow! If you have faith, you won’t serve fear or anxiety! “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,” says the Word. Waiting on the Lord will never produce anxiety in you! Being patient as we wait on the Lord will never leave us worried! He is pleased when He sees faith in us and patience in us, and He never is pleased when He sees anxiety and worry in us! Wisdom will prepare you for that which is to come. Fear will move you out of the way of faith and wisdom. If we seek first the kingdom, we will walk in joy, peace, and righteousness all the time. When we start to worry, we are not seeking the kingdom first but for our needs to be met! But when you are led by Him, you will be led to meet your needs without even knowing you have them. We need to seek the full counsel of God!
In Philippians 4, Paul talks about being of the same mind in the Lord. In the mind of Christ, there is no worry or anxiety. It is full of patience and faith. We must meditate on the Word and prophesy it and believe on His Word. Not in my time but in His time. Even Christ had to wait on the correct time for the word to manifest in time, so we must be filled with patience and be assured that it will come to pass. Some seeds just need that dew of heaven to germinate it. It takes time. Seed-time-harvest. That patience, that faith, is the humidifier needed. “Be careful, be anxious for nothing!” For nothing! Be not anxious for even the salvation of your own family! Be anxious for nothing! God wants to remove the anxiety out of His people! “And the peace of God” will not come when your needs are met! No! It will come when you need it. It will come when you position your heart “in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving and let your requests be made known unto God!” So, we must be thanking Him more than asking Him to meet our needs! He knows already what we need before we even ask. This peace cannot be explained. You should have every reason NOT to be in peace, but the peace is there! Therefore, the Word refers to a peace that surpasses all understanding. Because in the natural we should be freaking out. Without understanding there is no way you could handle in peace what you are in. This is your portion. The peace of God! Think on other things, get your mind off that worry, off that tomorrow! “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things,” Philippians 4:8. The Word tells us to put our minds on things above (Colossians 3:2). To be carnally minded is death. Jesus speaks in Matthew 10:39 about how if we want to keep this life, we lose it, but if we lose this life, we gain His kingdom life. Many pretend they love not their life, but they are tossed like waves of the sea and are moved, anxious, and worried all the time and have no peace.
We must lose things that we are putting our faith in - this is the only way to gain His peace! If you never know how to lose now, you will never be able to handle what is coming! It is easier to steward things when things are going our way. But what will we be doing when things get harder? The God of patience wants to teach us to be content with anything and in everything! Our God will supply all your needs according to your need or wanting?! No. According to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Paul was not saying, “Thus saith the Lord,” about God supplying our needs. He was expounding on His relationship with God and His riches in glory! He was speaking to a certain church that was doing, planting seeds, hope, and love. They were waiting on the Lord, being consistent, unmovable, unshakable, and patient.
Do you want to see God working patience in you? Read James 1:1-9 and be ready! You will go through trials of your faith because the trial of our faith works patience in us. When patience has her perfect work, you will be perfected and will want nothing! We ask God but we don’t ask in faith or in patience. We ask but we want to see it right away. Anxiety! When we are not patient, we are anxious!
The enemy wants you to feel unrighteous because an unrighteous person will never ask anything in faith. This is when the enemy comes to get you to doubt, to sin, and to feel unworthy. Then we no longer are asking in faith but with an orphan mentality, in guilt and shame. We become works orientated, not confident in Him but in our own self. This is the work of the devil on our mind. Therefore, we need to do all in faith. Knowing He will receive it, unwavering! To ask in faith is not demanding God to get something done. It is asking Him to know He will do it. When? When it pleases Him. When It pleases Him, when we seek His kingdom first then all shall be added unto us! Patience in us proves that we are the children of the Father of patience! Your way, your thoughts, your time, your kingdom: everything becomes His! God is in the business of making us stable just as He is. God does not have any problems. We are the ones that lack patience! He wants us likeminded! Just as He is so shall we be! “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus,” (Romans 15:3-5).
If you are very anxious, expect tribulation because tribulation works patience! You want patience? Face tribulation and take glory in it! (Romans 5:1-5). Don’t run from the tribulation, from the fire, or you will never experience the peace of God that surpasses all understanding in your trials. It is God working in your tribulation, working patience in you! We need to get mature in faith and reach the full stature and measure of Christ! Through faith and patience, we will inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:10-15). People say, I believe on His promise. But why are you not inheriting it? Maybe you are lacking faith and patience! Abraham patiently endured and that is why He obtained the promise. Isaac was the harvest of Abraham - he became the father of faith. God told him that he will have a son. Did his son come in the next year as he was with his wife? No. He had to keep sowing, believing, waiting, doing. Imagine all the mockers knowing that her womb was considered dead. He could have given up after five, six years but he never gave up. God did renew him every day. He did create Ishmael out of desperation and anxiety coming from his own wife and his thoughts. But he kept sowing, believing. He learned patience. Then finally the harvest of that word was birthed. Why did God wait so long? For His glory! What did Abraham receive? The promise from God. He did not quit. He did not stop sowing his seeds. He may have doubted but kept doing. He may have wavered but kept believing. After Isaac, his promise was born. You better believe. Abraham was a different man. His faith and trust went to another level. He learned patience in the waiting. I believe that made him able to pass the biggest test of all tests: “Abraham, take your son and sacrifice him.” You all know the story.
When you lack patience, you are showing that you have no faith. Cast not away your confidence (Hebrews 10:35-37)! What He is producing in you is far more precious than silver and gold! Be patient! He that shall come will come and will not tarry! We need to remove anything that is not of faith. Some put their trust in anything but in Him! To temperance add patience, says 2 Peter 1:5-7. So, they are facing tribulation for years now because they are lacking faith and patience. So, God keeps testing them through trials and tribulations! So, instead of being mad at it, see glory in the tribulation! He is working patience through it! You will become more patient and filled with faith! “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness,” Colossians 1:11.
“Father, help us to be more patient! Help us not to fall into temptations when you are working patience in us through trials and tribulation. Let the peace surpass all understanding. Your peace does not surpass some things but all things! Not my will, but Your will be done! Not my time, but Your time! Jesus Christ endured the temptation. He could have sent angels to rescue him, but he was patient and He waited on God to be delivered from the temptation. He endured until the end, and He obtains the promises. We all have our own end, but we all need to endure until it comes. The end of the seed (Word) is the promise. So, help us all to be patient and to know that You are working in us to be fruitful and to produce that fruit that will remain! He obtained everything that today is under His peace. He is the kingdom of peace! The kingdom of patience! In tribulation, we will see You! We will find You! Father, help us to be believers! It does not matter what we encounter, we want to see what is more valuable being produced in us. Even when we don’t hear You, God, we will keep doing and moving, filled with patience and faith! Just like Abraham kept sowing seeds into his wife until the day the harvest came! It was not a waste of time, of waiting, but he saw it! The God of patience was faithful to him, just as you are to us!” Amen.
Shane Roessiger
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