What do you value? What you value is what you take care of. God loves everyone the same! But you cannot say that he values everyone the same! God loves us all. He is no respecter of persons, but He rewards those who diligently seek him! I want to diligently seek Him because He is the most valuable thing. He is my treasure. His Word and His presence are the things I treasure the most. Father, let this mind be in us just as it is in Christ Jesus! Let us understand your kingdom.
He fills the hungry! What does He fill the hungry with? With His treasure. He protects the righteous. He promotes those who pass His test! He runs toward those who repent! Those who repent are those who want Him because they see Him as their treasure. Just like the woman with the alabaster box that broke it and poured out her own treasure, she gave it all. She poured out her treasure because all she wanted was Him. It is time for us to break our hearts for Him and to give our treasure to Him: What is it? Family, career, our dreams, our lives. We can be taken away just as the material things can be taken away from us in the blink of an eye. If we began to love our lives more than life itself, we will never be satisfied. Wells that always run dry! We will always be thirsting for more. But the Lord is my shepherd, and I shall not want. His kingdom is my treasure. There is nothing more valuable than that.
What is your treasure? What is my treasure? When we are born again, we find Jesus. He is our treasure, but as time goes by, we start to lose our treasure. It will never be enough. “Many seek worldly things more than Me, more than My revelation,” says God. What you value is what you will cherish! What you cherish is what you keep and hold close, and it is dear to your heart.
What is valuable to you?
Matthew 13:44-46 says that the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure and a man found it and hid it. He went and sold all to buy that field. Another man found a pearl of great price and sold it all to buy it! Jesus said His kingdom is like this. Think about it, you have a map which is the Word of God, and the Word of God points you to this treasure. You found it and you hide it in a field, and you buy the field so no one can take it. No one can steal it. Nothing can destroy it. It is your treasure. You want to keep it safe and you want to hide it so no one can take it. Let us see and understand that to get hold of it, we must give all for it. We must value it just as that man that sold all he had for it. This is what Jesus taught. He did not teach the Torah. He preached the kingdom. He told us to go into all the world and preach the kingdom of God, not the law. So many are trying to snare God’s sheep. But Jesus is not after your checklist. He is after your heart.
Treasure hidden in the field is more precious than anything we had, have, or can ever get. This is the kingdom of God. This is the Gospel that we are to preach.
We have a saying in the USA that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure! A poor person would go to a rich neighbor to pick up trash. What the world says is worthless is treasure to YOU. What is trash for those who are full is treasure. Because their treasure is worldly but ours is heavenly! Are you satisfied with the riches that the moth will eat? Are you satisfied with that thing that the canker can destroy, or with that gold that can be taken away or stolen?
Where is your treasure? Where it is, your heart will be also. You know. When you wake up in the morning, what do you go after first? Read Matthew 6:19-34. We need to go back to where He is. Treasure up things in heaven!
I want God to show us how to store up treasure in heaven. But He said, where our treasure is, our hearts will be. I want treasure in heaven. You cannot have treasure in two different places according to the terminology of the kingdom. What is the most valuable thing in your life?
Is your treasure earthly or heavenly? If it is not things of heaven, you are just being religious. When we find the kingdom of God, we sell all and buy the field. Jesus said to the young ruler: Go and sell all, give to the poor, and follow Me. His value was in things. Jesus' wants must become your treasure. That man did not want to exchange earthly things for heavenly things. He went away sad. You can have all your treasure and still be sad. See, it is all about the heart. Loving God with all your heart. It is all about that. No man can share their heart with two masters. Why do you value other things more than Him? He says He must be first. If we love father, mother, brother, or this life more than Him, He says we cannot be His. Wow, that’s heavy! That’s deep! That’s the TRUTH.
This is the kingdom of God: Take no thought about things in your own life. Can you do that? Take no thought. Some people may have more than you because they may have more kingdom inside of them. They seek first His kingdom – the treasure! Seek first the treasure. Buy the field. Have you found treasure? Have you found the kingdom? Have you found the pearl?
I believe storing up in heaven means winning souls, clothing the naked, and feeding the poor. Jesus demonstrated the kingdom of God. He was the kingdom of God. Now we have that kingdom inside of God. Let that seed of His kingdom grow inside of you.
In what kingdom are you storing up treasures? What is your treasure? Eternity in you? Or things in the world around you? This treasure on earth won’t remain forever. It is time to change our treasure from earthly to heavenly, from carnal to spiritual.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:3-10. What the blind consider trash for us is our treasure! We need to get an attitude like Paul – let's count it all dung! What they consider treasure, let us consider dung. What they consider dung, let us consider treasure. The Gospel may not have any value to them but for us, it is the power unto salvation. But we have this treasure, this kingdom, this eternity, this glory, in earthly vessels. We must treasure it. We must consider it valuable. Our relationship is treasure, the kingdom of God is our treasure, our righteousness is our treasure. Joy is our treasure.
What do you really value? The kingdom of God or the kingdom of the earth. Things that moths eat up or things that will last forever? God help us not to love this world and the lust of it! This can only be done by you, mighty God! By the grace of God and by the Holy Spirit, help us to do and to will your will for your good pleasure.
The kingdom of God inside of me is my treasure. Man considers it as dung, but it is treasure. I will buy that field. I will keep one item in my treasure box, it will be only one, one kingdom! One treasure! Is His blood valuable enough? I declare unto you it will be worth it all! To gain Christ is worth all! I don’t want to live under false grace, false love, and false value.
The treasure of His wisdom is much better than all riches, the revelation to know the times we are in. It is time for the true riches that are from above to be sent down among His people.
A man put value into worldly things and made his barns bigger and he stored up for the last days. But on that night, his soul was required of him. He had nothing stored up in heaven! He tried to maintain it, but he had nothing down here and nothing up there. All was lost. Another man had one talent and buried it. He did not release it. He did not use it, neither did he plant it in the kingdom of multiplication. He did not sell all he had. And Jesus called him wicked because He knew the main master – he knew the kingdom and its principles. He valued what the king gave him but not the King! “Father, help us not to ignore your gospel, your word, and your ways!”
Philippians 3:8 says, “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.”
Lose all to gain Christ. Let His kingdom be our treasure. So Christ can be gained by you! If you have this treasure and you don’t multiply it, you are being a fool according to Jesus because even the world knows about investing. Some say, “I am poor – I don’t have enough,” but we all have a treasure, we all have something. It is not about how much we have. It is about what we value the most. What do you value? What do I value?
“Help us, Father…You say that you give strength to the weak. You give grace to the humble. Father, we want to value you more than anything and any king You are the government we submit to, and it is held up upon Your shoulders. Father, put on us our kingly garments. Father, let this treasure be in us. Help us to spend this treasure, to pour it out. We want with all our strength to love you. Help us to do your will and to buy the field at all cost.”
The kingdom of God is like a man that found a hidden treasure in the field and sold all to get it. “Father, help us to go back to when you are first in everything, our treasure! Let your kingdom be the only thing we live and die for, the thing that we value the most! Father, we want to seek this treasure, you, our great price! That is our pearl!”
Shane Roessiger
FULL MESSAGE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqqiV_kdiZI
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