Opportunity to Sow Seeds


“For of His fullness, we have all received, and grace upon grace.” John 1:16

Greater glory is this, just as the father and the son are one so shall we be one with Christ. So shall we be one with the Father. So shall we be one with our brother. 

Greater glory is this, that the same spirit that was in Christ is now in us. The innermost being of a man is his spirit and the innermost being of God is His Spirit. The deepest part of God now dwells with us, within us. Greater glory is this. 

Many want Jesus to be here in the flesh. The disciples didn’t want Jesus to go away but Jesus said I must go away. It is expedient for you that I go away or else the comforter will not come. 

It is expedient for you if I go away or I cannot come back to you in greater glory. Now I will not be with you only in the flesh on the outside but now I will be inside of you. Even when you are alone, I will be with you. That even when you sleep, I will be with you. Even if you are in a desert alone, I will be with you. This is greater glory because now you are my body on earth. You are the body of Christ and I am the spirit of Christ. Greater glory is this, that Christ died that we may rise. That Christ died that we will be filled with Him and not only be around Him. Now He’s no longer around His disciples. He is now in His disciples. 

This is the deepest part of God and it is not a light thing. This is the innermost being of God and it is not a light thing. The Holy Spirit is not just a helper, it is God! This is the core of God Himself now on the inside of you. The greatest part of Himself. Greater love is this, greater glory is this. That same part of Him that roams the earth is everywhere and anywhere all at the same time is living inside of you. We have an unction from the Holy One. We shall know all things. The one who knows all things and has all things is inside of us. All things are inside of you. All power is inside of you. The keys to the word are inside of you. Greater revelation is this! Greater glory is this! This is the depths of God now living inside of you. Jesus was really saying to Peter: Stop holding unto my flesh, Peter. That’s the surface level of me! I want to give you the deepest part of me. I don’t want to speak my mind to you anymore. I want you to have my mind! Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus! Greater glory is this! 

Jesus could have stayed in the flesh forever and dwelt with His church in the form of a man but He decided to be with His church in a greater measure. Instead of following a man with His own mind and heart and you forming your own mind and heart off that mind and heart, He decided to give you His own mind and heart for you to have. He decided to give you His personal mind and heart for you to make personal. 

He decided to give you His own thoughts and intentions. That’s what you’re getting with the innermost being of God. Now the deep thoughts of God and deep groaning and emotions of God now live inside of you. They are manifest inside of you. You are to live from the inside of you to have the inside of Him. The kingdom of God is not by observation, it is within. He is within. He flows from the inside out. You need to live from the inside out! 

Greater glory is this that we would all receive the same mind, heart, and will as Him because now it is one spirit. Now we have all been filled with God’s deepest part. This is not a passive thing, this is a greater glory. Greater manifestation. Greater than Jesus in the flesh is Jesus in Spirit. Now Christ is at the right hand of the Father and the Spirit of that man that is at the right hand is inside of you. He is at the right hand of the Father and inside of you both at the same time! That means authority is in you. All power and things are under His feet and under yours because you are now His hands and feet. His Spirit now lives in your spirit and your spirit is now His spirit. 

The right hand of God lives inside of your spirit. All authority and power live inside of you because the Lord of His right-hand lives inside of you. Greater glory is this! The fullness of God dwelt in Him bodily and the fullness of God dwells inside of you bodily because He dwells inside of you. The one who carried God’s fullness now dwells in fullness inside of you. 

Jesus said if any man loves me, he will keep my words, my Father will love him, and WE will make our abode in him. He said “WE.” He didn’t just say He or I, He said “WE!” (Read John 14:23) The fullness of God dwelt in Him bodily and now they have made their abode in you bodily. Greater glory is this! Anoint your head with oil because it is a big thing to be filled with His Spirit. Anoint your head because the fullness of the Godhead dwells inside of you bodily. The carnal will reject what is spiritual because they are not spiritually discerned. The carnal mind can never figure this out or fathom it. That’s why we need to rely on the full, completed mind of Christ that lives in our spirit. There is another mind within our spirit that is separate from our natural mind. We need to let our natural mind be totally dead and our spiritual mind be so alive. 

It’s up to us on which we choose to operate from. Those that live by their spirit live in the Spirit. Those that live by their flesh live by the mind of the flesh. The mind of the flesh is at enmity with the mind of the spirit. What mind do you live from? The old mind or the new mind? You have two minds, but you can only live from one mind! Yet that mind that you want to live from is spirit because God is spirit. Those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit. We have been given a spirit because that is the place that we should do all our thinking and living. That’s is where the mind of Christ is. That is where the heart of God is because that is where the fullness of God is! 

The more we see it, the fullness of God inside of us, the more confidence we will have. The more boldness we will have. We need Elisha to open our eyes and show us. Even Elisha’s servant didn’t behold the greater glory that we now have inside of us. What he saw was just merely angels. Now we have God, the leader, the almighty, the all-powerful creator who is the beginning and the end. The first and the last. The Father and the Son. 

That’s why He said to baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit because as they were being baptized. They were being filled with the fullness of God. The fullness of the Godhead bodily. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit. The Father’s Spirit is the Spirit. The Son’s Spirit is the Spirit, and now your spirit is His Spirit. The fullness of the Spirit. His body is a spirit and it now dwells in our spirit. Now we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Now our spirit is His spiritual house. 

So shall everyone that is baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire be baptized in the fullness of the Spirit. Baptize them and say all three names because all three names, Father, Son, and Spirit, are now inside their innermost beings, are now inside of them. O how deep are you willing to see? Just as they were baptized in water, you shall be baptized in greater glory, in the fullness of God! 

God is spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. You must be filled with Him to worship Him. He is saying now is the hour for the true worshippers to arise and worship me in fullness because they have inside of them the fullness of God. 

“To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:19

By Joe Pinto 

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