I want to tell you that the world is a stage and the devil is using so many through emotions, hurts, pains, fears, greed, entitlement, fame, fortune, abuse, anger, loneliness, hates, and addictions! The show, the plot that everyone hears and sees is about darkness against the light! We have the Bible! 

We know if we are born again, and, in this world, we will have tribulation, and we are going through it and all who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution! We as believers see things that others and the world do not see and cannot understand, and we are called nuts when we try to point out the Satan's puppet show that is using the lives of sinners! We are ridiculed by them and we are called without compassion! We are even persecuted by carnal or baby Christians who still don’t see fully! Because their churches do not preach the Gospel and their minds have not been renewed but has just been motivated. Some have their conscious seared! The only message they hear every week is grace or love but they are never fed with meat! Like little babies squirting their bottles all over us! I am not trying to be funny, but real! I am not trying to be proud, but true! 

This is the reality. This is what carnal Christians produce! But we will refuse to let Satan pull our strings in his puppet show! God has written the script and we know the end! But so many are being used by the devil! These people are filled with self-righteousness, with the desire to be right, to be heard, and to belong to something! When the cross is too heavy and when your burdens are not too light, it seems that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil just seems like the right thing to eat from! What about the show? What about brother against brother? What about the big picture? The devil is seducing and taking good and bad people to hell! What about what he is doing? Any peace and security that is taking away from Truth and righteousness is false peace, deception, and will produces death! They would rather hear 450 false prophets who are moving on emotions and on fear! Satan is the master of disguise! I was blown away by this vision I had. 

The other day I was watching CNN only to see what and how they are getting people to be so under a trance. Obviously, this was God led moment or I would not have had a vision. I wanted to see what these deeply deceived puppets were saying. So on the T.V. I saw this anchorman - a man of color, it was in the evening. I hate saying that but the master of the puppet show wants the world to keep on identifying people by races. In this, you never defeat racism. Honestly, until Satan is taken out of the way, it will be this way. This points out why Christians are being pulled by these strings. So is this anchorman. When I was listening, all I saw were lies, deceit, and taunting, provoking, judging, and accusing. Just leviathan at work. 

What happened to just be reporting the news, just the news? We do not have this anymore. We have false prophets of Jezebel. Don’t eat her meat! Then as I was watching, suddenly, this guy turned into a demon. I mean I saw a demon behind the mask of humanity. I saw behind the flesh. God let me see this for a glimpse and I attained this righteous anger and my stomach got nauseous and I said " WOW"! Pondering... all those listeners listening to a demon speak! People think they are hearing news, but... No! They were being launched by the devil, sent out by the devil and used by the devil! 

Did you not read in the Bible about deception? In the Bible, it says that in the last days - if God does not step in and cut time short -  that even the elect, the chosen, if possible, would be deceived! Lying signs and wonders will be done and false prophets would be speaking lies! 

Well, at the conclusion of the show, here is Satan’s puppet shows with his magical illusions! Where Jesus said that will be brother against brother, mother against daughter! Do you not realize Satan's plan is to deceive the whole world? He will use race, he will use unforgiveness, he will use causes! He will use good people or bad people to get his purpose done! He does not care who you are or what you want, and his plan is to take as many of his puppets with him to hell! 

I was in the jails, in Brazil! I brought a message to youth about Satan - I was taking about how Satan has used them all to kill each other from other gangs, how he uses both sides and how he was playing them. I told them how Satan is laughing at them as they are sitting in their cells, how he promised them all fame, fortune, family, and I asked them how many gang people have visited them or sent them money since they have been incarcerated...All a delusion. Both gangs are Satan's and he is out destroying them and their community, using drugs, powers, sex, money, now look. I told them that they have been his hands and feet, as he was deceiving and killing off his own, making them think he is for them and loves them, but Satan is a liar. I showed them that Satan was their father and he has his kids killing one another - I told them how they need to renounce him. There are only two fathers – Satan or God the Father! 

How one is promoting love for one another and the other hate, death, and destruction. I told them that they are his pawns in his chess game and his puppets in his show and he was playing both sides! He was the puppet master and how he was controlling them and their lives! I said that there are only 2 masters and you cannot serve both. Many were catholics and believed they were ok as they have their cross on the chest. Then great repentance came over them all as they were open to the reality of the deception! I used their pride to work against the devil. 

We can be used by Satan, even the good ones can be used by Satan - specially when causes get in the way of the cross and of the Word of God! When you are deceived, you believe you are right but it’s impossible to pick up a cause and a cross at the same time! It is impossible to see if you are willing to follow the blind! The devil is using the good, the bad, and the ugly, anyone who will let him pull their string! He hates TRUTH. He wants everyone to perform his agenda. The only ones in Satan's way are those who cut his strings once and for all! If Satan is using you, then you are just religious, and you still are eating from the wrong tree. We do not fight against flesh and blood. 

Therefore, we must die to our culture, our passion, and desires, if it is not Jesus! When God says that we are in this world but not of it, He means it! When God says if you do not forsake culture or family or you are not worthy of me, I shout and say, HE MEANS IT! WHEN ARE WE GOING TO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE ARE NOT WORDS OF GOOD IDEAS BUT OF LIFE? When He says flee Babylon, He means it! We have a new identity. It’s in Christ…We are a new creation. There is no way to have a new identity until you let go of the old. It is time for the church to grow up! 

I see many of all colors so mature and I see these babies still being pulled by family, culture, race, wounds, entitlements, and so on. These are all strings of the master of manipulation. COME OUT FROM among them. The kingdom of God is at hand. Pray, love, have compassion, but do not be put under the power of anyone or anything BUT JESUS and the Holy Spirit. The problem is not white against black. It’s light against darkness. You of ethnic descent, you want to help people, this is the only way. 

There are only two masters as I said to the youth in prison! When God said come out from among them and be separated, He means it! When God said do not be unequally yoked, He means it! He will work with you. You see things that others cannot because they are still in the show! You say things that others cannot yet understand because you choose not to be chameleons! Funny, 

someone said to me the other day that I am seeing your true colors! That is awesome! Why? Because when someone sees your true colors that means you are not a chameleon anymore! They see hate; God sees love! They see what the devil shows them! This is how we win the world, by being the light and not being used by the devil and his institutions of death! 

God is not lawless, and He is not a tyrant. He is God. His ways are not our ways! He does not get moved by emotions. He moves His children with compassion and boldness! Trust God, not the demons on TV and not the liars or those with causes that make you a puppet for the end-time show! Be a son and a daughter and be led by the Spirit of God! You may not have a stage or lights, but you will have Him, but let our Father pull the strings of your heart and be ready not to be understood. Even be ready to be hated because the blind will not see, and the show must go on, but you don’t have to be in it! You are an ambassador and a pilgrim in this land. Do not denounce your heavenly identity for a harlot wannabe. You are not a bottom feeder. You are not the tail but the head. Stop letting people, places, and things bring you into lost causes. The only hope for this world lives in you, but you need to see it. You need to embrace it. You need to come out of house of Dagon! Do not worship the creation but worship Him in Spirit and in TRUTH. Cut every soul tie that makes you dance to the darkness! Where the Spirit of the LORD is there is freedom. You are free already. You have it. You have to see it. You owe no one anything! BUT TO LOVE on God’s terms, not theirs. Shane Roessiger

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