Opportunity to Sow Seeds



The altar is a meeting place where God comes to meet sacrifice. A place where fire meets sacrifice. A place where we die. If there are no logs, there is no fire. No fire means there is no sacrifice. No sacrifice, no glory. God wants to restore the living sacrifice. People are calling out for fire without sacrifice. This is how strange fire comes. God is fire so we must perform the priest office. Now He has made us all priests and kings. So guess what? We are now His temple.

When the bridegroom comes, will you have oil in your lamp? The oil is Him - the essence of God inside of you. With no oil, there is no light. We see strange fire, false prophets, false fire, and imitation of the real fire of God. Because the real fire of God consumes you, completely. So no flesh can glory. Study the office of the priest and see what His duties are. Now see what God wants from you as a priest of His temple.

The devil tells you, “You don’t want to be consumed because your life will be over.” But God says, “If you try to save your life, you will lose it.” God wants you to put your life on the altar. He wants you to realize that we are the altar. We are the sacrifice. But if there is no smoke, there is no sacrifice. There is no life.

Without the Holy Spirit, you won’t make it. Without the sacrifice, the fire of the Holy Spirit won’t come. If you are not in the fire, nothing in you that God wants to remove from you will be removed if you don’t lay yourself at the altar. He will do it, through His fire. We are the priests of this temple: ourselves. God made a temple by His hands. Who made you? We were predestined to be conformed into the image of the One who created us. We should be a replica of Christ, but this manifestation only comes forth through fire. Sacrifice is not something we do once a week. It is daily. Look at the priest – every morning putting wood on the fire. God commands that the fire never goes out.

The unity of the Body is a pleasant thing to God. When you are divided, you are alone. Why do you feel alone? Because you divided your heart. Offense! Offense at the Word. Offense at your brother. Rebellion, sin, and heresy keep you from the fire.

Jesus Christ just needs a sacrifice. A reasonable service. We must stop fighting God and surrender to His fire. We must enter into His death or there will be no resurrection. He is fire. John the Baptist declared to all believers that the one coming after Him will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire. We also have some religious believers trying to say that calling down fire is demonic. But we see it all through the Bible. See? We go by revelation and not by intimidation.

(side note)

Yes, there is strange fire. That is why there has to be an authentic fire. I researched these type people. They are very, very critical, and most are legalistic and argumentative, cold and unloving and full of pride. Then, on the other hand, we have strange fire and believers chasing feelings and manifestations and quick fixes. That is the big issue. They empower the bitter religious ones then put every one that does not agree like them in the same category. Then they birth heresy.

Are you presenting yourself as a living sacrifice? You are a temple now. Are you being the altar and the sacrifice? What is coming out of your temple? There is a table of the devil and of God. From which one are you eating from? On Sundays you run to His table and during the week you run to all the other tables. That is religiosity! You are the house of God, not a building made by man.

The priest made sure that the fire was never out. We must do the same. Some people suffer because they have not offered up their lives to God. If Satan smells incense coming up, he will run from you. I tell you this: the devil cannot touch the sacrifice. He hates the fire. He runs from incense and smoke.

God has called us to another level of prayer and sanctification. But this is more for you than for anybody else. Sometimes people say, “I must pray for this and for that one.” But sometimes the greatest sacrifice is to stay still, just ready to listen to Him, setting all aside to focus only on Him. God wants us to be available and He will do the rest. What is sacrifice? I would say: doing what you don’t want to but need to. For sure, sacrifice is the highest level of love.

The fire will burn the excess of flesh, those things of the old that we don’t need anymore because we are a new creation. In religion, we can act like the dead. If we get disconnected from the fire, we are disconnected from life. In the Old Testament, the excess was the fat and the chaff. The fire will burn up all of that!

Living sacrifice means you at the altar, all day long. Remember: you are the temple and Jesus is the high priest. Jesus should be the head of this temple (our lives). You are the steward. Just as the priest ministered to the Lord, now we all must do the same.

Jesus Christ saw no fruits on the tree. He cursed the tree. He walked in the temple and got fed up with what He was seeing: lack of sacrifice. People buying the sacrifices - making it easier! He overturned the tables because they were not tables of sacrifices but of merchandise. We have the same today. Convenient Christianity! So many worshiping with lips (rituals) but their hearts are not in it. That is because there is no sacrifice. So there is no fire!

What kind of table do you have inside your temple? Maybe today, Jesus Christ is walking into your temple and starts flipping some tables in your heart. The table is the altar. What is on your table? Are you coming to the church (building) thinking you are a living sacrifice? Would you say to God, “Come to this temple and flip some tables - any table that does not please You.”

You need Jesus to come and flip some tables? I plead with you right now: Go buy oil. Be the sacrifice. If you are not burning, you are not the sacrifice. Your altar is empty. You are not really saying, “God, I will be your altar.” Don’t do the religious duties. Get in the fire. Let Him consume you! Is there fire? Is there incense? Is there an altar for Him? Are you being washed with the water? We are now the temple. What did He say? “My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” This is the same as saying to us, “You who work iniquity.” Some will say, “But God, I went to church on Sundays. I gave my money. I went on a mission trip.” But does He know you? He only knows the sacrifice – the living ones – the burning ones – the praying ones.

The gates will be locked! Are you ready for the days ahead? If you really love Him, you will die for Him. He just wants us so we can have all of Him. Fire. Sacrifice. We fan the flame today that religion has put out! That my flesh has put out. Father, I repent and say, “Give me more oil, overflowing oil, trim my wick. You are all consuming fire. You bring me into all truth, wisdom, revelation, and the fear of the Lord. I fear you because you are not a man that you can lie. I fear you because I know that the heart is wicked above anything. And if I don’t have the fear of God, my heart will deceive me. Baptize our hearts once again…”

Word: Leviticus 6:11-16, Leviticus 6:12-13, Exodus 40:3-13, Romans 12:1-5, Hebrews 12:23-29, Revelation 17, 2 Timothy 1:1-4, Mark 11:11-18

Watch the video: https://youtu.be/PHwPXFzLaiM


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