Opportunity to Sow Seeds

Roots of Pride

The roots of pride are our own understanding, ideas, and strength! These are apart from God!

Apart from God we can do nothing that can stand!

Our own production is our fall!

The Holy Spirit will produce LIFE in us with humility, but only for those who wait upon Him and rely on His mind and ability, because it is no longer WE that do it, but HE! 

Some people want to grow so fast that they try to take spiritual steroids and puff themselves up with knowledge, knowledge that seems spiritual from God, but it is really Satan’s counterfeit word of God that pushes you away from the Spirit of God!

Wrong Word, Wrong Spirit 
Holy Word, Holy Spirit! 

And just like how steroids destroy you later on in life, so will your own knowledge from your own thinking! With your own thinking you may even be able to stand for a little while, but I tell you from experience, not for long! You will be shaken! Everything that can be shaken will be, and anything that is produced from self will shake and fall! 

One of the most important things in our walk is the renewal of the mind, and sometimes we can even ruin that process because we try to renew our mind in the flesh! We must learn the Word of God by the Spirit. Brick by Brick!  You can try to read scriptures all day and night but never receive from the Spirit of God! 
If you’re not receiving from the Spirit, you’re not receiving the Word! 

Some people will even read things and come up with their own understanding and say it was from the Spirit of God but never really know if it’s from God because it’s not from God! When you receive something from God, you KNOW it’s from Him! No one can tell you otherwise! The real words and things from God are so powerful that when you receive it, not even your own mind can refute it or shake it up because it can’t be shaken! It’s a strong foundation! His Word is a Rock! It’s so strong it defends itself! When you receive something from God, it sticks to you!

Many are receiving from their own thinking. That is making them puffed up! It’s not sticking, and they are trying to make it stick, and the fact that they are trying to uphold a faulty foundation is breeding insecurity in them. When someone is insecure and don’t know it, they try to protect themselves. When you try to protect yourself or anything within yourself, your outward fruit is pride!

Adam and Eve got prideful when they ate from the Tree of Good and Evil. They put the fig leaves over themselves to protect their own image. God made them to be a certain way with a certain image, and they envisioned themselves another way after receiving worldly knowledge, and therefore, they left the land of Freedom and entered into the land of Pride because of the knowledge of self sustainment! Then they had to work and labor to eat, just as those who rely on their own thinking will keep striving and striving but never thriving and resting!

You’ll see them pray and pray, and say and say. Though no fruit! The fruits are of the Spirit, produced by the Spirit! When we move by the real revelations from heaven through the Spirit, we will yield the fruit of the Spirit! 

If you have to convince people that you’re not prideful, then it shows you already have a lot of pride! Because right there, you are already trying to protect your own self! Part of the purpose of having God is that you would not have to protect or defend yourself anymore. He and His Word are supposed to become your defender! 

When you’re on the foundation of God’s understanding, that foundation protects you, and you come to a point where a person’s words or actions can’t offend you anymore because there’s nothing to DEFEND anymore. Offense comes from pride, and pride comes from our own carnality. Adam and Eve sold out to carnality in the garden..

Carnality is not even about worldly movies and TV shows!

Carnality is man’s ways apart from God: Man’s thinking, man’s ideas, man’s dreams, man’s agendas, man’s strength! 

These are “The Roots of Pride!”

You want to rip out pride? Come on...We all have a level of it! But some more than others! We need to take a Holy Spirit Sledgehammer to our own thinking and understanding and let God build the House, or else everything will be in vain! Everything we do will revolve around self because we thought it! 

We accomplished it! 
We prayed it! 
We made it!
And God did not! 
The Spirit of God did not birth it in you. You birthed it in yourself! 

And you better not slap God’s name on it and say, “Glory to God,” meanwhile deep down, you really know that it was glory to you because it was based off your own mind and soul! It may have been good, but it wasn’t God! 

When something is really from God, there’s no sense of pride in you! You know that you know that He did it, and you can rest in the fact that He did it and you’re just riding the wave and letting him have the glory FOR REAL! Meanwhile you take rest from suffering from the sting of pride and take joy in His name being lifted up! 

We need to kill these roots of pride by running from our own mind and will, but on the flip side of the coin, running to the 7 spirits of God to have a fully renewed mind and heart, the foundation from heaven that births real humility!

The Bible says take heed how you build, there will be two types of people saved in the end, but one will have all their works burned and the other rewarded and glorified! The one who relies on his own thinking and understanding will see their works burn! The one who received from the Spirit was glorified and rewarded because it was God’s work in them! 

“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” 1 Corinthians 3:10-15

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