Opportunity to Sow Seeds


 Paul was speaking about being buffeted by a messenger of Satan because of the abundance of revelation. There was a thorn in his flesh because of all the revelation he was getting so in his own words, “That thorn was a distraction, a hindrance, a nagging, or irritating in the flesh.” Have you ever had a thorn?

What a thorn is? Small or big, you can’t get it out right away because you need the right tools, so usually it is there for a while. Paul was trying to dig it out by bombarding heaven. A thorn is not something life threatening. It can’t kill you but irritates you. It is constant. God wants to desensitize us from the things that agitate our flesh and use them to remind us we are nothing without Him.

Buffeting is a continuous assault, to afflict, to lash, to harass, to torment, or to trouble for a very long time. Was the thorn – the messenger of Satan – possibly a hindering spirit? I believe so. According to as much information Paul had given, it seems that God was using Satan for his own purpose to keep Paul grounded and humble.

Sometimes we, through sin, invite Satan to mess with us, and that will also humble us, but If we don’t have that thorn in the flesh, we won’t have the need for Christ. Without the hand of God, we will become full of pride as many in religion and the world do, so we rejoice in His chastening. Sometimes that thorn in the flesh is just to remind you that you are human. Just because we are “working with God” does not mean that He will fix everything in your life. Whatever goes on in our lives, we still need to look to Him. What God decided to do, He will do it. Keep your eyes on Him and never on your circumstances. God knows what to leave in us and what to take out. Sometimes pride makes us believe that we deserve something from Him, forgetting that the only thing we deserve is really hell, outside of the cross. God gave Paul deep revelation about the bride, and He did not give it to anybody else. Lest he would be exalted, God kept him low through all of these infirmities (meaning afflictions) that the power of God would rest on him.

His weakness kept Him focused on Jesus. On His infirmity (which is not even just sickness), Paul boasted. Because He knew the power of Christ would rest upon him. He may leave something on your flesh so His power can be manifested. Paul did not die on the road to Damascus, but he kept dying daily. He kept his flesh under submission to God and to the cross. If we observe through the scriptures, we can see through his writings how much Paul became humble as he walked with Christ.

Sometimes we are doing things that are inviting Satan to come over. When we live in sin, Satan can come and touch us. That is not the buffeting of God. That is you being beaten up by your own ungodly choices. If you keep walking in the flesh, you will die by your flesh. Lustful flesh! This will kill you. He will torment you. He will beat you up. There is that as Paul turned one over to Satan to destroy his flesh, to revive his spirit. So, it is good to know that God will use even His enemies to correct those whom He loves.

How do you know if you are being buffeted by God or beaten up by Satan? Check your righteousness level. Are you walking in sin or are you walking in holiness? In His way. Don’t bend to your flesh, but if you bend to it, go boldly to the throne of grace. Bold because you know what He did for you. You can know everything about the power and never tap in.

You can know everything about the cross and never pick it up. You can know everything about submission and never submit. You hear all about grace but don’t use it in righteousness. By the abundance of revelation Paul was buffeted. If the buffeting stops, that is a sign that the revelation stops.

The buffeting is to take you away from your flesh, not away from God. It is to draw you to Him and to see His power rest upon you. Anything that comes from God is to bring you to the cross and His power. When we sin, we know it. But when you are in righteousness, you also know. There is a difference between to like to be around darkness or to be sent to darkness. Be aware of it.

You can be in His presence and still be buffeted, exactly because you are in His presence. For the abundance of revelation, glory and presence!!!! So, you will remember to stay low! All things He works together for good for those who love Him. He never leaves you or forsakes you. Make sure you remember that when you are being buffeted! God wants to keep and to preserve you! The enemy loves to lie, to bring up the past, and to accuse you. So keep your eyes on Him.

“Guide me Holy Spirit. Deliver me from every evil work. Sustain me. Raise me up. Make me walk in truth all the days of my life. I cast off ungodliness, every lie from the devil. I confess the blood of Jesus over my mind, heart, will, and emotions. My flesh will not rule me. My mind won’t trip me up. My tongue will speak good things. In that, I submit my whole spirit. Jesus, open my eyes and let me see the path you have set before me that I may walk with you all the days of my life.”

“Father, if it is needed, keep buffeting me because I don’t want to be separated from you because of the abundance of revelation, Glory, understanding, power and presence!”

2 Corinthians 12:1-12, 1 Peter 2, 1 John 5:18, Romans 8

Watch the full message : https://youtu.be/UEe08j5eNis

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