Opportunity to Sow Seeds

The Road Map to Freedom

The road map to freedom is this: Submission to God (Holy Spirit); Submission to His ways; Submission to THE Word of God; Submission to Christ in one another, the Kingdom of God within.

He said, "My children are bound and they are attacked because they love religiosity, they are rebellious, deceived, lacking knowledge, prideful.” Minds are being conformed to false grace and man’s order, to unbiblical structures that comes from Constantine and Protestant and Catholic traditions. 
There is a way that seems right but ends in destruction. His ways are always best! "My children, My ways are not your ways." The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! I will show you how Satan brings confusion by mixing in leaven in unleavened bread.

We will perish for lack knowledge and understanding. We must understand God’s kingdom to benefit from it in our daily lives! Satan is a disrupter, a liar and a thief!! He wants to rob our destiny and purpose! He works through children of pride and rebellion! Let God open our eyes as He explains about ascension gifting and gifts of the Holy Spirit! There is a government of God. It is for protection and edification, not lording and controlling His people. That will also be exposed.

ITINERARY ministry is not in the Bible. It came from the Babylonian 501 C3 beast system. It separates us from Body ministry. This ministry is gifted people running around with a few gifts to make a living from the Gospel. It is prostitution and unbalanced. 

The SENT ONES are apostles and prophets. This is what has poisoned the church. No correction, no Truth, just cotton candy words, making people follow their spiritual addiction, making others to become addicted to soothsaying and ear tickling.

God has a government order! It is not about controlling people. But order! Satan has been giving out titles like bubble gum. False prophets of Baal have told people in the Body that they are this and that! But they have been sent by the liar, Satan. God tells us first. Then He waits to see who obeys. He will remind us through the Body gifts who are who. There are specific gifts given by God with a specific reason. Even though we are all part of the ministry of reconciliation, there are some people and some offices in the Body ordained with a purpose. God administrates them, not man! The same God that works all in all to profit all! That is why we need to be submitted to one another. Because the true treasure in the Body is Christ in us!

If you are faithful in the little, He will give you more. You can have the gifts but not have anointing. You can cast out demons in His name because His name has authority, but to cast out demons because of the anointing, His presence in you is another level Relational oneness! Jesus had a physician with Him, but it was never used. It was his occupation. He called us to bring His kingdom through His gifts inside of us. He sent us all out! Even with our good works, He won’t back us up! Ecumenism will do a lot of works of justice because it is easy to be accepted with them. You can be a man pleaser doing all of that, but you will never be able to please God. Because of mixture we have infiltrated our faith from the power of God to the power of knowledge and science and carnality. For example: Jesus did not bring glasses with Him in case His power was not working. Jesus did not bring medication in case He was off one day. One way is from religion and the other from God's government. We need to be determined to walk in His government, submitting to Him – the great apostle. Here are some signs of dead works of religions: 

fundraisers, incorporating secular values and ways, agendas of man contrary to the Word, using pagan tradition as an excuse to win the lost, step programs and worldly counseling, planning your future out, working towards retirements, and selling merchandise. These are institutional (Jesus industry) not God's government or Kingdom of God. These are worldly, not from faith! In God’s government He supplies all our needs. We are taken care of, never begging or in need because it comes from Jesus. So if you are struggling then look at what government you have been loyal to. Nevertheless, He is a miracle maker. In Him there is no striving.

He is THE way. Not the middle way, the broad way, but HE is the WAY! GOD Himself has set some in the church! All the nine gifts heal the body. The gifts of the Body protect the Body, the joints, supplying the Body, the five-fold is governmental order, and it cannot be mixed with religious systems. If it is mixing, it compromises Faith and Truth. Then seducing spirits creep in.

This is what we are ALL called to do: to die, to love, to win the lost, to mortify the deeds of the flesh, to lay down our lives, to pick up our cross, to be a doer of His Word! Rejoice not because you are someone in the Body but because your name is written in the book of life! The carnal church is run under the governments of this World. Jezebel comes in through religion, usurps God's authority, and the authority to whom God has ordained and given a mantle, a mandate, and a heavenly vision.

Apostles will need way more grace because of their front line duty! Ascension gifts are always expected more from! It costs more. You will be stoned because of them. He gave them, some to be apostles, some to be prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to perfect the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ! Let’s use the gifts for that! It is not about man but the ascension gifts that they have.

The 12 Apostles were called by God! God already marked you for what you are supposed to do right when you stepped into the kingdom! Five set positions come from above where all authority comes from, plus administration and helps and government. They are from above. God builds the house by His hands. Religion builds it on the sand with the hands of the flesh. The result of these five specific positions in the Body will bring the unity of faith. It will keep perfecting the Body until we all come into the unity of faith! But people who don’t have the ascension gifts are not connected to those who have! Until we all come into the knowledge of who He is and who you are! If you reject them, you are rejecting Christ in them, cutting your self off from the head of the church, Jesus Himself. So you have an anti-Christ spirit! And you will always be tossed to and fro! When God says, “He gave gifts to men,” that means there is a level of glory, there is a mantle of protection and a constant raising up.

It is the person God sets apart to be given to the Body as an ascension gift. Every perfect gift comes from above. A gift is in every believer. It is the Holy Spirit! Then He gave gifts unto men being the government of God in authority to advance His kingdom. Not religious puppet pastors. Not denominations. Not cults. But authority and keys! He gives a vision and a mandate! He said build on foundation of the Prophets and the Apostles. Now God is restoring all things for the end time glorious church that will come out of the wilderness leaning on HIM, not on wood, hay, and stubble. On the contrary, the fire of God is burning all that up.

The religious system is anti-Christ. It will always man please, not pleasing God, allowing Jezebel to cut off the head of authority given by God. God's gifts to men stir up religious devils. They are hated by many. They are alone most of the time. Apostles are forerunners, establishing God's government wherever they go. They are sent ones. We are all called to do the works of an Evangelist, but apostles take territory.

We are all equal in the Body of Christ as children of God, but in God’s governmental kingdom, each person has a specific purpose. There is no equality. We need to recognize them. There is a special authority for those who oversee the sheep! No one is better than the other. It is about God advancing His glory on the Earth. Religion is so self-focused!

Some people will be running around and never submit themselves to the government of God or to people who have specific gifts for them to come in the unity of faith! There is never a real unity of faith among those who don’t submit to the ascension gifts set in place by God. What they do is to become an open target to darkness. As well, they never walk in the fullness of the Blessing. God’s way is the only way.

Apostles and prophets of God will NEVER please people. Ninety percent of the churches out there were not even ordained by God! Until we submit to what and how He is doing it, we will never, ever grow like we should! His mercy and grace have been using these institutions, but God said that He will restore all things. This is what He is doing: building His church.

God told David who He was. Even when man did not see it, He was it. He had that anointing! You must know! And even if people ignore you or do not receive from you, don’t let that shake you! You may not walk in it fully, but you are IT! Jesus was the lamb of God even before He went to the cross! Don’t doubt it! Jeremiah was a prophet even in his mother womb! Jeremiah had a mandate from God. So when you are born again, God anoints His government, gives a vision, and sets them apart. In religion, you are always learning, never coming to anything.

These gifts come from above! Not from man! Not from the religious system! Stephen was not even the apostle, but He moved just like one! Why? He submitted to it! If you really want that, you will be stoned like Stephen! Do you really want it? Stephen submitted to God, to the glory and governmental leadership. Under these, He was able to flow in the same power as one of the twelve. He was not sent in by God's first 12 selections and then His replacement, but He was authority! Twelve is the number of authority: 12 tribes, 12 apostles, 24 elders, together signifying the Government of God. Then 12 X12 is 144 and there are a hundred and 44 thousand who come with Jesus with government on His shoulders. That signifies every tongue and every tribe coming with Him. This is revelation from the Holy Spirit, the blood bought saints!

God will never let anybody humble be deceived! If someone hears from God that does not make them a prophet. We all are supposed to hear God and be prophetic! If someone starts a church, that does not make him anything. It is about government blueprints from above and not below. The biggest problem is that Satan has had so many transforming themselves into apostles, so many with the Jezebel spirit calling themselves prophets. Even Satan Himself has ministers who transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, and these ministers keep on deceiving many. This tactic is so demonic. But we will trust God's true gifts (offices) to the body. Then we see chaos and anarchy all over because Satan is mixing in religion and powerless people who look like sheep, but they are wolves. Just because you’ve been wolfed, don't despise God's government because that was His intention. Satan is a thief and a liar. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

In that, we need to learn how to be content! Find your place. Submit to one another that have what you need. Submit to His ways. Go from “nothing is good enough” attitude to “all He did is good enough” because your name is written in the book of life! That will bring you right back to no need to compete among gifted people because we all are, but we all have different positions in the Body for raising up, for protection and advancing. Look at the military. You can see how an army works. Look at the militia, a group of people that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, usually in opposition to a regular army. Most are untrained and end up hurting their own, friendly fire.

God’s ways are not our ways! So many people should submit to God’s government, and they could be positioned in the Body and grow into His fullness! The same unity of faith, but until submission happens first that never will happen in their Christian walk. They stay in a religious mindset, the power and life of God choked out by the python spirit.

The road map of freedom was drawn by God. We need to follow it. At the end of it: is the fullness of God being manifesting in us and through us! One house, one God who sets and builds; the other is religion (man) sets and builds, but on the sand. God can only build on the ROCK.

Word: 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Timothy 6, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Jeremiah 1:4-12, 2 Timothy 2

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