God will give what you want. He always has AND always will say that the Kingdom of God is by daily choices. In the middle of the night, God woke me up, and this all was laid on my Spirit.
If you want your ears tickled, you have (Joel Osteen and many others).
If you want to be Israel focused, you have (John Hagee and many others).
If you want Jewish roots indoctrination, you have (Michael Rood and many others).
If you want to focus on traditions and worldly events, if want to focus on America and tradition, if want a lot of information and not revelation, you have (Perry Stone, Jonathon Kahn, and many, many others).
If you want to be business orientated and chase the world, to join the rat race, you have (Dani Johnson and Lance Wallnau and many others).
If you want new age mixture with the Word and seducing spirits, selfish love, and to stay connected to Babylon and arts and entertainment, if you want to be accepted in every arena and want to be a cultural influence instead of a truth messenger, if you want only to focus on mercy and grace never see God also as a God of wrath, you have (Bethel church and all who join that (circuit) in my nice title).
If all want to do is hear about Grace only, you have (Joseph Prince and many others).
If you want to be made merchandise of, you have (Jim Baker and many others).
If you want to hear someone talk about himself constantly and bathed in religion and false humility (you have Todd White so many others).
If you love movements and causes, you have them and their leaders all over.
If all want to do is pray, you have, you have (I.h.o.p. and others copying their vision).
If all want is to be successful in this world and motivated to do so, you have (T D Jakes and many others).
If you want formulas, you have (courtrooms of heaven, and many teaching this un-biblical concept).
If you want entertainment, you have (Hillsong Church).
If all you want is prosperity, you have (Jesse Duplantis, Mike Murdock, Kenneth Copeland and so, so, so many more).
If you want to seek manifestations and witchcraft, you have (David E. Taylor and so many others).
If all you want to do is name it and claim it, you will never have it.
These are all tables to eat from, but is Jesus sitting at these tables?
If all you are looking for is prophecy (you have many false prophets - will not even name them that started out with God and fell in iniquity. Some died recently being thrown on Jezebels sick bed. Some got so prideful that God put a lying spirit in their mouth to expose them, prophesying modern events like elections falsely and being taken out).
Are all from God? No! All of them bad? No! Are some good? Yes. Do all have some good and some bad fruit? Yes. This is not judging. This is love and as a seer in the body of Christ, woe is me if I do not release what God shows me. Believe me, I believe most do great things for the Kingdom, but we are in a desperate time. We need revival. These spots and wrinkles can only come out by the iron of Truth and bleach of the blood and power of the cross. Woe is you if you tell the Prophet not to speak. Stone me, kill me, He will raise me up.
I tell you though by the spirit of God every single description above has some affiliation with either Jezebel, Balaam, and the works of the Nicolaitans, This post is to make us aware of the gates of hell open even if just cracks. Jesus nicely rebukes the church in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 about the condition of the church before His return. God is calling for a movement, Truth, Holiness, and Love. We in this together, and if we are not allowed to bring Truth to light or brethren in error, then it is religion and pride. No one has it all. We are all coming to the knowledge of the perfecting of Christ. We must stand and pray for these ones being seduced by spirits and the tentacles of them.
But if you want to be persecuted, if you don't want to be famous, if are you willing to forsake all, if you are ready to die for what you believe, if you believe the power of God and are willing to go through the fire, if you hate the world and the things of the world, if you want to pick up your cross daily, (You have Jesus the Holy Spirit and the Truth and the only way).
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